
Python program that solves a 2D linear programming problem and graphs it

Primary LanguagePython

2D Linear Programming Solver

A simple Python program to solve 2D Linear Programming optimisation problems and can also plot the constraints and feasible region to aid learning.

The program takes in a set of constraints and the objective function. Note that the constraints must be inclusive relations (ie: '<=', '>=' or '==') because strict inequalities do not make sense in a continuous setting. If you want integer solutions only, then just convert your strict inequality into an inclusive one yourself, eg: change '5x - 2y < 3' to '5x - 2y <= 2'.

Here's an example (example.py) of its usage:

from objective_function import ObjectiveFunction
from constraint import Constraint2D
from optimiser_2d import optimise

# Example usage:

constraints = [
    Constraint2D(0, 1, 2, sign=">="),   # y >= 2
    Constraint2D(1, 2, 25, sign="<="),  # x + 2y <= 25
    Constraint2D(-2, 4, -8, sign=">="), # -2x + 4y >= 8
    Constraint2D(-2, 1, -5, sign="<="), # -2x + y >= -5
    Constraint2D(1, 0, 5, sign=">=")    # x >= 5
objective_function = ObjectiveFunction(3, 2) # represents P(x, y) = 3x + 2y
optimise(objective_function, constraints, type="max", visual=True, integer_only=True)
  • The type argument can take either "max" or "min" depending on your objective.
  • The visual argument can be set to True if you want a visual plot of the feasible region and constraints
  • The integer_only argument can be set to True if you want an integer only solution