
A Django application developped for classification of a diabetes complication that affects eyes

Primary LanguagePython

Instructions to be followed

Install the below required packages:

django - (pip install django) tensorflow - (pip install tensorflow) pillow - (pip install pillow || pip install PIL) numpy (pip install numpy)


Configuration to be made:

Inside diabetic_retinopathy -> settings.py at last you have to put your local path to output directory currently it is my local path



Currently the models have been trained using tesnsorflow keras you can find the models inside diab_retina_app -> model folder


To execute the project run the below command:

python manage.py runserver



choose the test image from the test directory given inside the project ie; diab_retina_app->test Training images are not included in the folder since it's a large collection The same images you have sent have been used for training


You are free to edit the front-end/processing logic as per your need
