
An unofficial package for getting medium articles of an account.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Get Medium posts of an account in JSON format

medium-articles is an unofficial package for getting medium posts of an account.


$ npm install medium-articles
$ yarn add medium-articles

This module uses rss-parser under the hood to work.

Usage with ES6

import { getMediumPosts } from 'medium-articles'

const username = "your medium account username"
async () => {
    // This will give you all of your medium posts in JSON format.
    const articles = await getMediumPosts(username)

Node Js usage

const getMediumPosts = require('medium-articles')

const username = "your medium account username"
async () => {
    // This will give you all of your medium posts in JSON format.
    const articles = await getMediumPosts(username)

Allowed username format

  1. username //example - vue
  2. @username //example - @vue


Install packages

$ npm install


$ npm run build


$ npm run test