
It maintains my version of js notes which I learned from the famous Namaste Javascript Youtube Series by Akshay Saini.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to Namaste Javascript Notes 🚀


❓ what it is

This repo maintains my version of javascript notes which I learned from the famous Namaste Javascript Youtube Series by Akshay Saini.

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🏠 Namaste Javascript Notes Website

🚀 PDF Version of Complete Notes

📝 Content List

📌 Season 2

Episode 1 : Callback Hell

Episode 2 : Promises

Episode 3 : Creating a Promise, Chaining & Error Handling

📌 Season 1

Episode 1 : Execution Context

Episode 2 : How JS is executed & Call Stack

Episode 3 : Hoisting in JavaScript (variables & functions)

Episode 4 : Functions and Variable Environments

Episode 5 : Shortest JS Program, window & this keyword

Episode 6 : undefined vs not defined in JS

Episode 7 : The Scope Chain, Scope & Lexical Environment

Episode 8 : let & const in JS, Temporal Dead Zone

Episode 9 : Block Scope & Shadowing in JS

Episode 10 : Closure in JS

Episode 11 : setTimeout + Closures Interview Question

Episode 12 : Famous Interview Questions ft. Closures

Episode 13 : First Class Functions ft. Anonymous Functions

Episode 14 : Callback Functions in JS ft. Event Listeners

Episode 15 : Asynchronous JavaScript & EVENT LOOP from scratch

Episode 16 : JS Engine Exposed, Google's V8 Architecture

Episode 17 : Trust issues with setTimeout()

Episode 18 : Higher-Order Functions ft. Functional Programming

Episode 19 : map, filter & reduce


From the creator of Namaste Javascript himself, 🙌 Testimonial

👤 Author

alok raj (alokr417@gmail.com)

🤝 Contribution Guidelines

  • Fork the repository to your own Github account
  • Clone the project to your machine, checkout to new branch & install dependencies using yarn
  • Push changes to your forked repositories
  • Open a PR in my repository by providing all info and context of your PR.

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