
A bash `which` wrapper for vim

Primary LanguageVim Script


A simple which wrapper for vim


To use vim-which to quickly echo the full path to your current file, simply execute the vim-command:


Or to quickly echo the results of the bash which command, simply add the argument as so:

:Which vim

As a convenience feature, you can yank the output to your default register:

:Whichc or :Whichc vim


To install vim-which, I suggest a plugin manager such as NeoBundle or vim-plug.

  • NeoBundle
  • NeoBundle 'theamazingfedex/vim-which'
  • Plug
  • Plug 'theamazingfedex/vim-which'
  • Vundle
  • Plugin 'theamazingfedex/vim-which'
  • VAM
  • call vam#ActivateAddons([ 'theamazingfedex/vim-which' ])
  • Manual Installation
  • copy all of the files into your ~/.vim directory