MovieTime Search App

This is an application that provides the main functions for an entertainment search app (Television Shows and Movies)

Screen Shot 2021-03-31 at 4 37 18 AM


Clone this repo to your desktop and run npm install or yarn install to install all the dependencies.

It is built with Create React App so don't worry about modifying your port or anything.

Set up an environment variables file and import API KEY from https://www.themoviedb.org/ into the following files as API_KEY

  • Search.js
  • tvSearch.js
  • TrendingSearch.js

or you can just directly enter your API KEY into the template literals to replace the API_KEY variable.

Type NPM Start to launch


After you clone this repo to your desktop, go to its root directory and run npm install or yarn install to install its dependencies.

Once the dependencies are installed, you can run npm start to start the application. You will then be able to access it at localhost:3000


  • Search for Either Movies Or TV Shows
    • On the front page, the search bar will search for both movies and TV
    • On the Movies tab, the search bar will only search for Movies and on the TV tab, only for TV Shows
  • The search bar is initially hidden until you either click the floating search button
  • When you click on a show or movie, it will take you to a page with "more" info and also list recommendations based on what you clicked on.
  • There is also a toggle button to toggle between a light and dark theme.
  • Infinite Scroll - user can scroll until there is no more content based on their input.


  • Responsive Design: I have a few break points (mobile, tablet, laptop, large screens) - It was difficult to get this right and still isn't 100% but through doing research and just really focusing, I was able to over come.
  • Adding Features: After initially accomplishing the MVP, I decided to add a bunch of features like using react router to create multiple pages for each fetch movie/show. Using Hooks to manage state was initially pretty easy because I didn't have to drill too many layers but after adding features, I found myself drilling pretty deep for some state which I was able to do but it would have been easier to set up a Context provider for certain pieces of state that I need throughout the app like I ended up doing for the the theme context. Also, to solve the issue, I refactored and made the code more modular instead of keeping the added features patched together, which made it much easier to track the props that were needed to be drilled. As I said, I also had some time to at least add a context provider for the toggle theme functionality that built.
  • Infinite Scroll - This proved to be a bit difficult and is still not working 100%. I initially attampted to use a library but it wasn't work so I took some tutorials and was able to get it halfway there by further modularizing the codebase and using the IntersectionObserver with useRef and useCallback hooks. However, when just scrolling the automatically rendered featured results, the previous results are not being appended/concated to for some reason so the user can only see the current 20 results. It works when the user is searching for a specific film or tv show, however, which is more important anyway.

Design Decisions

  • Color Scheme - I didn't want any crazy color scheme to take away from the core concept and features of the app, which was to simply discover movies and TV shows. Thus, I chose a pretty basic scheme of greenish grays and other grays and slightly offwhite background.
  • Search Button / Bar - obviously, the ability to search is the most important thing about the app so I created a search bar that wouldnt' get lost as users were navigating the site but I also didn't want it to be too cumbersom so I creating a floating search button that can be accessed any where on the app. You might notice also, that the input clears when the user navigates between pages so the title they were searching under film isn't left in the input when they want to search for a different tv show. Also, I ensured to take care of some edge cases like filtering out any non TV show or film results from the front page because that endpoint I was using also included actors, etc. Lastly, I also ensured the user didn't hit the space button as the first entry becuase it would cause an error with the results.
  • Home Page - When the search button is clickedon the home page, it opens a search bar that searches for movies and TV, on Film Tab it opens the search bar to search for films, on TV tab for TV. And on the details pages, the search button will take the user back home toan open search bar for movies and TV
  • Categories - You will also notice that on the home page, I show if the content is a movie or tv show as it could be confusing if the user is just searching for content. I didn't feel the need to show it on the other pages.
  • Recommendations - On certain screens, I show the backdrop photos instead of the posters and as large as the screen allows. on other screens and in landscape on some tablets are display in one horizonztal line which just felt cleaner.

Future Improvements/Features

  • Add a back end that will allow the following:
    • User Accounts - So users can tag content they want to watch
    • Reviews - give the user the ability to rate a movie/show
    • Friends - Ability to connect to friends and share content with them
  • API - I would love to dig deeper into the API and potentially figure out how to add where the content can be streamed or what theaters it is showing in.