
first branch of the global craigslist fetch service.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


first branch of the global craigslist fetch service.


First off you will need to make sure you have redis installed and running.

Install the redis-server

$ sudo apt-get install redis-server

If you want to do interactive debugging

$  sudo apt-get install redis-cli

Make sure the server is running

$  sudo service redis-server restart

Get the source

$ git clone https://github.com/theanthonyplan/craigbot.git

Install node dependencies.

$  npm install


Populate Redis with the Craigslist metadata

$  node refresh_craig.js

Call the main script, passing in a string for the bot to query.

##Syntax $ node ./craigbot.js someStringToQuery

NOTE: You do not need to place quotes around the query string

###EXAMPLE: Query the entire world for python job listings.

$  node ./craigbot.js Python