
TON Blockchain Node inside Docker

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

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Free TON Validator

TON (Telegram Open Network) use the principle «Proof of Stake». This requires the use of masternodes. Third-party developers (validators) are owners of Masternodes.

This image was made especially for launch Free TON Network.

Quick Reference

Quick Start

  1. Docker Host check list:

    • - Empty directory for global configuration, let's say /ton/etc
    • - Empty directory for TON database, let's say /ton/db

    According recommendations you need 1000 GB (prefer SSD) for the database directory.

  2. Fetch latest version of the image

    docker pull cexiolabs/freeton-validator
  3. Start a container

    docker run --name freeton-validator --interactive --tty --network host --mount type=bind,source=/ton/etc,target=/etc/ton --mount type=bind,source=/ton/db,target=/var/ton cexiolabs/freeton-validator

    On first launch the container will enter into setup mode, due your directories /ton/etc and /ton/db are empty. Let answer for a few questions:

    • Choose template of global.config.json (NOTE! devnet is die yet)
    • Enter your public IP address (v4 only right now)
    • Enter ADNL port

    Setup script will create minimal configuration for choosen network and generate id keys.

    See Advanced Usage section to make this job by hand.

    Expected result:

    Directories /etc/ton and /var/ton are empty. Looks like this is a first launch. Entering setup mode...
    Please select template of global.config.json. See section 'Global configuration of the TON Blockchain' of the https://test.ton.org/FullNode-HOWTO.txt
    Enter template file name [freeton-testnet]: 
    		/usr/local/share/ton/freeton-testnet-global.config.json -> /etc/ton/global.config.json
    Enter your external IPv4 address for this TON node [X.X.X.X]: 
    Enter ADNL port [30310]: 
    Launching validator-engine to generate instance configuration...
    [ 3][t 1][1589413681.457912922][validator-engine.cpp:1160][!validator-engine]   no init block in config. using zero state
    [ 1][t 1][1589413681.465116262][validator-engine.cpp:1445][!validator-engine]   created config file '/var/ton/config.json'
    [ 1][t 1][1589413681.465180159][validator-engine.cpp:1446][!validator-engine]   check it manually before continue
    Generating keys for server, liteserver and client(validator-engine-console)...
    Starting Validator Engine...
    [ 3][t 1][1589413681.505045414][validator-engine.cpp:1160][!validator-engine]   no init block in config. using zero state
    [ 3][t 1][1589413681.536607504][manager.cpp:1429][!manager]     failed to load blocks from import dir: [PosixError : No such file or directory : 2 : File "/var/ton/import" can't be opened for reading]
    [ 3][t 4][1589413681.584379911][manager-init.cpp:35][!reiniter] init_block_id=[ w=-1 s=9223372036854775808 seq=0 ...
  4. Check status

    NOTE: Validator Engine need some time to start synchronization. Be patient :)

    docker exec --interactive --tty freeton-validator validator-engine-console --address --key /etc/ton/keys/client --pub /etc/ton/keys/server.pub -c "getstats" -c "quit"

    Expected result:

    connecting to []
    local key: C4BD31198D39F6214A6505BC00BC6192158256C91F172B44BEFBF0299E74C7E4
    remote key: 2A10CE7EE52139109E186F9588851CCA3FED05F7A574EBD7E7AB49D62DF56863
    conn ready
    unixtime			1589469708

What the image includes

└── usr
    └── local
        ├── bin
        │   ├── docker-entrypoint.sh
        │   ├── generate-random-id
        │   ├── validator-engine
        │   └── validator-engine-console
        └── share
            └── ton
                ├── freeton-devnet-global.config.json
                ├── freeton-mainnet-global.config.json
                └── freeton-testnet-global.config.json

Advanced usage

Build own image (performance)

It is possible to improve node perfomance if you build an image for your CPU (instead x86-64) by providing TON_ARCH build argument. See GCC Options and choose correct one value cpu-type. If you hard to determine correct cpu-type just use native.

git clone https://github.com/cexiolabs/contrib.freeton.validator-docker.git freeton-validator-docker
cd freeton-validator-docker
docker build --tag cexiolabs/freeton-validator --build-arg TON_ARCH=native --file docker/alpine/Dockerfile .

Build variables (pass as --build-arg):

Variable Default value Description
TON_ARCH x86-64 See GCC Options for cpu-type
BUILD_THREADS 2 Positive integer
BUILD_TYPE Release Release or RelWithDebInfo. See notes for -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE

Use utils

The image includes ton-blockchain/ton utils like generate-random-id. You may use it just pass as arguments, like:

docker run --rm cexiolabs/freeton-validator generate-random-id --mode keys