
Set of tasks to learn basics of git

Welcome To Git (self-learning course)

A course will help you to practice basics of Git to meet minimum requirements for Junior Developer position.

This is a self-learning course with automated knowledge testing. See more details about an approach...

Get Started

  1. Fork the repository. DO NOT CHANGE REPOSITORY NAME.

    Fork the repository!

  2. Turn on workflows in your forked repository.

    Turn on workflows!

  3. Solve a task challenge CHALLANGE_1.

  4. Commit results.

  5. See Actions to ensure your solution is correct.

  6. Move to next task challenge CHALLANGE_2, CHALLANGE_3, ..., etc.

  7. The finish the course make green job icon in Actions.

    Check actions for success


How to roll back the repo to first commit and delete all history?

For the case we made a tag startrepotag on first commit. All of you need is just execute two command in a terminal:

git reset --hard startrepotag
git push --force origin
