
Client-side (browser) logger to use with Loggly v2

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Client-side (browser) logger to use with Loggly gen2. Check out Loggly's Javascript logging documentation to learn more.


Place the following on your page, and replace the logglyKey value with the key provided by the website:

<script type="text/javascript" src="//cloudfront.loggly.com/js/loggly.tracker-latest.min.js" async></script>
  var _LTracker = _LTracker || [];
      'logglyKey': 'your-customer-token',
      'sendConsoleErrors' : true,
      'tag' : 'javascript-logs'


Logging text:

_LTracker.push('my tracking string');

Logging JSON:

  'text': 'my tracking string',
  'aList': [9, 2, 5],
  'anObject': {
    'id': 1,
    'value': 'foobar'


separate logging instace:

var myBetterLogger = new LogglyTracker();
myBetterLogger.push({'logglyKey': 'your-customer-token' });  // push a loggly key to initialize

Send Console Errors to Loggly

Keeping sendConsoleErrors value to true will send all the unhandled errors to the Loggly with the detailed information like error message, URL, line number and column number. This script also take cares of all the previously defined window.onerror functions.

Send Tags to Loggly

Send your custom tags to Loggly by setting the tag property.

  'logglyKey': 'your-customer-token',
  'sendConsoleErrors' : true,
  'tag' : 'tag1,tag2'

Special Characters Support

Keeping useUtfEncoding to true will prevent the Special Characters to being garbled on Loggly Search. You will be able to read and understand the included Special Characters in your log events more easily.

Please see the usage below-

      'logglyKey': 'your-customer-token',
      'sendConsoleErrors' : true,
      'tag' : 'javascript-logs',
      'useUtfEncoding': true

Setup Proxy for Ad blockers

You can proxy the requests from your own domain if the script or its requests are blocked by Ad blockers. To do this, you need to perform following steps

Set useProxyDomain property to true

  'logglyKey': 'your-customer-token',
  'sendConsoleErrors' : true,
  'tag' : 'javascript-logs',
  'useDomainProxy' : true

Use the following configuration on your server to forward the requests to Loggly

#Proxy to Loggly
location /loggly/ {
    rewrite ^/loggly/(.*)$ /$1 break;  # remove the '/loggly' part from the path, leaving /inputs/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-.../tag/xxx
	proxy_set_header Host logs-01.loggly.com;
	proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
	proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
	proxy_pass http://logs-01.loggly.com;

Build min and map file

You can build min and map file by using the command below:

npm install