
module for accessing vndb via api

Primary LanguagePython

PyVNDB is a python module containing methods to access VNDB (the visual novel
database) via it's API method.

PyVNDB comes in two flavours:
* j3 is written in Py3k and is tested on 3.2a0. It uses a json-based flat text
  file cache. It is currently unmaintained (but supported).
* m2 is written for python2 and tested on 2.6.5. It has a mongodb backend.

VNDB can be found on the web at http://vndb.org.
VNDB API documentation can be found at http://vndb.org/d11.

Getting started

>>> from vndb import VNDB
>>> vndb = VNDB()
>>> result = vndb.search("star", flags="basic,details")
>>> vndb.results(result) # Pretty print


The module is also a partially functional command-line program built around the
module. This allows extensibility towards graphical user interfaces for the
more complex tasks (e.g. modifing search filters).

Config (j3 only)

The first time you initialise a VNDB object, the module will prompt you for a
VNDB username and password, and will store it for future reference.

The password is stored in plaintext.

Currently, this is not required on any api interaction.