
all plugins and setups to make vim a good Visual Studio Code alternative

Primary LanguageVim script

Vim as Visual Studio Code

all plugins and setups to make vim a good Visual Studio Code alternative

🚧 Warning

init.vim is (considerd) as ready, but installation is not properly automated. Not ready for vim begginers (yet)

Shout out to craftzdog for the base vim initializer

Getting Started

Install all all the packages below with your prefered package manager:

  • vim: the main editor
  • bash: runs terminal commands and is needed for install.sh Pre installed on linux and mac, installed with git on windows
  • curl: downloads file using url Pre installed on linux and mac, installed with git on windows
  • lua: a programming language used in some vim plugins
  • ripgrep: searchs in files for the given word (grep alternative)


  1. Move the init.vim to your .config/
  2. Install Vim plug. visit Vim Plug official repo for installation
  3. Open vim and run :PlugInstall
  4. If anything went wrong let us know in the issues

There is a install.sh BUT IT IS NOT READY AND NOT TESTED PROPERLY You can contribute by debugging and testing the install.sh


Run vim or nvim in terminal to open a file or directory Everything must be configured