
Hip Arthroplasty Necrosis Avoidance System; Official Entry for Siemens Mindsphere Hackathon 2019 (Team : NPCompete)

Primary LanguageHTML

Hip Arthroplasty Necrosis Avoidance System



Since the project is open source everyone is welcome to contribute.

Please refer to CONTRIBUTING.md for more details.



The app isn't yet deployed anywhere. It can be viewed by running src/index.html in the local browser. You are free to volunteer :)

Directory Structure

--> Repo

  • ---> datasets
    • ---> DS1.json, DS2.json ..DS6.json are the training datasets
    • ---> DS7.json is the testing dataset
  • ---> graphs
    • ---> graphical images of the data trends based on different parameters
  • ---> ML training codes
    • ---> Anomaly.py containing code for Anomaly detection
    • ---> makeGraphs.py containing code for creating graphs out of datasets, for Data Analysis
    • ---> ML.py containing code for training datasets
    • ---> read_data.py _containing code for reading data for training
  • ---> src
    • ---> assets
      • ---> stores static images related to the project
    • ---> css
      • ---> stylesheets for the app
      • ---> materialize css files
    • ---> js
      • ---> init.js containing sidenav script
      • ---> materialize javascript files
      • ---> index.html, about.html, doctor.html, scope.html containing the different pages of the app
  • ---> data_cv.csv
    • ---> Contains datasets for cross validating the model
  • ---> data_test.csv
    • ---> Contains datasets for testing the model
  • ---> data_training.csv
    • ---> Contains complete dataset for training the model
  • ---> DoctorsManual.csv
    • ---> Contains complete table for Applied pressure vs Safe RPM values
  • ---> harneas_presentation.pdf
    • ---> A brief summary of our project;its business applications, working, Scope for improvement, Limitations
  • ---> problem_statement.pdf
    • ---> Contains the original problem statement of the hackathon

Dev Instructions

Frontend GUI

Idea Synopsis

Who are we

We are a group of three sophomore students. The team members are as follows:

  1. Anuprava Chatterjee (@theartist007)
  2. Prabhpreet Singh Sodhi (@pprabh2007)
  3. Prashant Shishodia (@pshishod2645)

All three of us are from different regions and different backgrounds and have a diverse understanding of the conditions of calamities in our region. This would, I believe help us in fabricating a better solution.

What are we planning to build

How does it work

How users can get started with the project

What dataset(s) are we using

What technologies are we using

Final Notes