
Primary LanguageRuby

Donut Project

This is a Sinatra application that uses the Starter Slack Template from Donut.

Running the App

Install Bundler:

gem install bundler

Install all the required gems:

bundle install

Start the server using Rack to be able to intercept binding.pry breakpoint.

Run the app:

rackup config.ru -p 4567

Project Donut setup

I created a task controller for this project to be able to process all requests made to the /tasks endpoint.

The slack bot is configured to make requests to the following endpoint: http://d1d261e01fd3.ngrok.io/tasks

NOTE: This endpoing can changed and is provided by ngrok. For more information check the ngrok documentation


It seems that the design for this project followed an RPC architecture since the requests were being made to a single endpoint. Althought I often follow the RESTful style I think I was able to handle this correctly. I created a Handler class to encapsulate the requirements for processing the requests made by the Slack API.


With more time I will improve the following:

  • Create tests
  • Improve error handling using rescue and creating descriptive error classes.