
Data processing pipeline and visualization of real-time cryptocurrency price updates with Spark, Kafka, React, Docker, Node.js and Cassandra

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Real-time Cryptocurrency Price Updates

Follow installation instructions and visit dynamic website for integrated app



  • Cryptocurrency prices are fetched in real-time from Coinranking API

  • JSON response is parsed, necessary fields extracted, and sent through to a Kafka topic via a Kafka Producer in Python

  • Spark Structured Streaming application in Scala consumes the messages from the Kafka topic, transforms into required data types via a schema, and calculates aggregates on real-time messages

  • Aggregates are calculated using window functions to calculate rolling average for each currency over a timespan. Currently supported aggregates are -

    • Moving Arithmetic Mean
    • Moving Geometric Mean
    • Moving Harmonic Mean
  • Cassandra sink is used to persist both real-time prices as well as calculated aggregates from Spark

  • Node.js and Express is used to create REST Endpoints to fetch and serve the latest data from Cassandra

  • Server-side components are containerized with Docker Compose.

  • React, Chart.js, and Material-UI is used to render responsive UI consisting of cryptocurrency cards and real-time dashboard. Updated prices and aggregates are fetched from REST Endpoint.

UI Snapshots




Docker Installation

  • Download and install Docker Engine for your operating system. (Linux recommended)

  • Download and install Docker Compose

  • Navigate to the directory where the project is cloned

  • In your terminal, run

docker-compose up
  • Check the logs on the terminal and wait till cryptocurrency messages are being published

  • In another terminal, from the project home directory run

bash start-services.sh
  • To monitor Spark jobs, visit localhost:8080 in your browser

  • Wait a few minutes for the job to execute as it is downloading packages, Spark UI will be updated with master and worker when the job begins

  • Visit localhost:5000 to get the data as JSON. REST Endpoints are -

    • /latestPrice fetches the latest price of every coin
    • /latestPrice/symbol_coin fetches the latest price of the selected coin.
    • Eg. /latestPrice/BTC fetches -
    "symbol_coin": "BTC",
    "timestamp": "2020-10-02T15:31:56.000Z",
    "id": "1",
    "market_cap": "195148831212",
    "name_coin": "Bitcoin",
    "number_of_markets": "19526",
    "percent_change_24hr": "-3.12",
    "price": "10545.2298078033",
    "total_supply": "18505887",
    "uuid": "Qwsogvtv82FCd",
    "volume": "18990315583"
    • /latestAggregate fetches the latest calculated aggregates of every coin
    • /latestAggregate/symbol_coin fetches the latest calculated aggregate of the selected coin in the most recent sliding window
    • Eg. /latestAggregate/ETH fetches -
      "symbol_coin": "ETH",
      "end_time": "2020-09-23T07:58:30.000Z",
      "arithmetic_mean": "336.0199798016828",
      "geometric_mean": "336.01994915594116",
      "harmonic_mean": "336.0199185102891",
      "start_time": "2020-09-23T07:53:30.000Z"
  • Visit dynamic website

  • To shut services down, run

docker-compose down

Manual Installation

Kafka Producer


  • Python 3.8.2
  • Apache Kafka 2.6.0


  • Navigate to Kafka installation directory and start Zookeeper in your shell
bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties 

Kafka Server

  • Navigate to Kafka installation directory and start Kafka server in your shell
bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties

Kafka Topic

  • Navigate to Kafka installation directory and create a Kafka topic "crypto_topic"
bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic crypto_topic \
--create --partitions 3 --replication-factor 1
  • Check if the topic is created.
kafka-topics --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list

Python Producer

  • Navigate to /kafkaProducer
  • In config.ini change


  • Create and activate your virtual environment
python3 -m venv cryptoEnv
source cryptoEnv/bin/activate
  • Install dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Start the producer service.
python3 kafkaProducerService.py

Cassandra Sink


  • Apache Cassandra 3.11.8
  • Java 1.8.0_265 OpenJDK

Create Tables

  • Start Cassandra service.
sudo service cassandra start
  • Check status of nodes.
nodetool status
  • Open Cassandra Query Language shell
  • Create the necessary tables.
  • DDL is found in cassandraData/cqlqueries.cql

Spark Consumer


  • Apache Spark 2.4.5
  • SBT 1.3.13
  • Java 1.8.0_265 OpenJDK

Package and Submit

  • Navigate to /sparkConsumer
  • In src/main/resources/config.properties change


  • Run the following in your shell, where $SPARK_HOME is the Spark installation directory
sbt package && \
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --master local[*] --class processing.SparkRealTimePriceUpdates \
--packages com.datastax.spark:spark-cassandra-connector_2.11:2.4.3,org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.11:2.4.5 \
  • Monitor Spark from localhost:8080 on your browser

Node.js Backend


  • Node.js 14.11.0

Start Server

  • Navigate to /nodeRESTBackend
  • In src/config.json change
"cassandraContactPoint" : "cassandra:9042",


"cassandraContactPoint" : "localhost:9042",
  • Install packages
npm install
  • Start the server
node src/server.js

React Frontend


  • React
  • Chart.js
  • Material-UI

Start Server

  • Navigate to /reactUI

  • Install packages

npm install
  • Start the server
npm start
  • Visit UI from localhost:3000 on your browser