
Display your calendar events on the lockscreen!

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Show your calendar events on the lockscreen!


  • After Kitkat, the lockscreen widgets were disabled and so calendar widget can't be put on the lockscreen.
  • AOSP lockscreen for lolipop/marshmallow does not show calendar events on lockscreen either.


  • By showing the event notification when the device is locked(but screen is on) and hiding it when user unlocks the phone.
  • Looks as if the event was shown on the lockscreen.
  • If this doesn't look good to you, you can use [EventLock] (https://github.com/theawless/EventLock) instead, which uses xposed framework and implants the event notification into the lockscreen.


  • Android 5.0 and above.


The code is released under The MIT License (MIT).