
The Official Enalog Swift Client Developed & Maintained by Joe Barbour

Primary LanguageSwift


Swift Version MacOS Support iOS Support tvOS Support watchOS Support visionOS Support

Enalog for Swift is the Unofficial Swift Package made by Joe Barbour in collaboration with Enalog & Enteka Software.

Getting Started

You can add this package to your project using Swift Package Manager. Enter the following url when adding it to your project package dependencies:



EnalogSwift requires an Enalog Account and an API Key which can all be created for free here.

Once you have obtained an API Key and created a project in the Enalog Dashboard, you must specify these in the info.plist in your Swift application.

To paste this directly into the info.plist right-click on the info.plist file in Xcode and choose Open As > Source Code


Declare the Library import EnalogClient

User Metadata

For tracking each event in Enalog by user attributes it's important to call the user function. Here you can pass an UserID (required), Email Address & Name Additionally, you can also pass Any object that conforms to the Codable protocol.

struct UserObject:Codable {
    let id = "@MisterMeenr"
    let name = "Mojito Joe"
    let email = "joe@sprintdock.app"
    var plan:String
let user:UserObject = .init(plan: "PREMIUM")

EnalogManager.main.user(user.id, name: user.name, email: user.email, metadata: user)

Tracking Events

Creating & Tracking events can be achieved by calling the EnalogManager.main.ingest() function. This function takes the following parameters...

  • Event ID (Enum)
  • Description (String)
  • Tags (Array)
  • Metadata (AnyObject)
  • Channel (EnalogChannelObject)

  • First, you must create an Enum with all your Event ID's. This can be named anything.

    enum EnalogEvents:String {
        case myNewEvent = "new.event"
        case fatalErrors = "fatal.error"
        case purchaseEvent = "purchase.event"

    Once you have added this, you can call...

    EnalogManager.main.ingest(EnalogEvents.myNewEvent, description:"This is a description")

    Additionally, you can add Tags by calling...

    EnalogManager.main.ingest(EnalogEvents.myNewEvent, description:"This is a description", tags:["My Tag 1", "My Tag 2"])

    And like when specifying User Metadata, you can specify additional Metadata with AnyObject the conforms to the codable protocol.

    struct PurchaseEvent:Codable {
        let product:String
        let cost:Double


    let product:PurchaseEvent = .init(product:"SprintDock License", cost:95.00)

    EnalogManager.main.ingest(EnalogEvents.purchaseEvent, description:"A product was purchased", metadata:product)

    Crash Logging

    EnalogSwift can also notify you of crashes in your App. When enabled, additional metadata is sent which includes the reason.

    To enable crash logging, you call the crash. This takes an enum just like the ingest function.

    EnalogManager.main.crash(EnalogEvents.fatalError, channel: .init(.slack, id:"MY CHANNEL"))


    Throttling stops duplicate ingests and unnecessary requests to the server. By default, this is set to **10 requests per minute**.

    This limit can be changed by passing an Int the throttle function

    EnalogManager.main.throttle(perMinute: 0)

    This limit is capped at 20 ingest requests per second.


    You can turn off all event tracking if you are running in a debug environment or running tests manually.


    Logging & Debugging

    Logging & Debugging are available in EnalogSwift. This can be toggled on and off at any point by calling


    By default, this will output all logs in the Xcode console.

    For additional granularity, you can pass .fatal EnalogManager.main.debug(true, logType:.fatal). This will call a FatalError exception whenever an error occurs.

    This should not be used in Production.

    Debug is automatically enabled when running in Xcode.

    Version Support

    EnalogSwift runs on all Apple device architectures, including VisionOS!

    • MacOS 10.15+ (Silicon & Intel)
    • iOS 13.0+
    • watchOS 6.0+
    • tvOS 13.0+
    • visionOS 1.0+

    Enalog also has official Libraries in Python Node.js & Go. For more information, visit the official documentation.