
Puppet module to install and manage reviewboard

Primary LanguageRuby

Puppet Reviewboard

Manage an install of Reviewboard

To install include the class 'reviewboard' in your manifest

Optionally you can install the RBtool package for submitting reviews by including 'reviewboard::rbtool'

Note this branch currently relies on a module, coxmediagroup/virtualenv, that is not yet available to the public. We're working on fixing that.

WARNING - ToDo - update all examples/params in docs.


The modules available are listed below in the 'Usage' section, pull requests to support other providers are welcome.

Required Prerequisites (required by the module, but you need to handle them yourself):

  • You must have 'nodejs' and 'npm' packages available via your default OS package installation method, as they will be installed by puppetlabs-nodejs; on RedHat-based systems, this generally means you need EPEL enabled.
  • You need to have Augeas working for the postgresql module; on RedHat this seems to require the 'ruby-devel', 'augeas' and 'augeas-devel' packages and the 'ruby-augeas' gem.
  • This module requires puppetlabs-postgresql >= 4.0.0. This is because puppetlabs-apache requires puppetlabs-concat >= 1.1.1, but there is a bug in older versions of puppetlabs-postgresql when used with the newer (>= 1.0.0) versions of concat.
  • With default parameters, you need to have Python 2.7 installed.
  • The default values for the python and virtualenv versions come from facts in the coxmediagroup/python module, which is not yet released publicly.

Additionally the following optional prerequisites may be installed:

  • memcached & python-memcached for website caching
  • python bindings for your database (if not installed by the dbprovider)


  • This module now only supports ReviewBoard 2.x.
  • That the database providers do not support anything other than 'localhost'.
  • ReviewBoard 2.x doesn't seem to support Python < 2.7, as djblets.extensions.staticfiles attempts to import importlib.


Example of prerequisites:

class {'python::python27':}
class {'postgresql::globals':
  version => '9.3',
class {'postgresql::repo':
  version => '9.3',
} ->
class {'postgresql::server':
  version              => '9.3',
  initdb_path          => '/usr/pgsql-9.3/bin/initdb',
  package_name         => 'postgresql93-server',
  service_name         => 'postgresql-9.3',
  needs_initdb         => true,
  pg_hba_conf_path     => '/var/lib/pgsql/9.3/data/pg_hba.conf',
  datadir              => '/var/lib/pgsql/9.3/data',
  postgresql_conf_path => '/var/lib/pgsql/9.3/data/postgresql.conf',
class {'postgresql::client':
  package_name => 'postgresql93',
class {'postgresql::lib::devel':
  package_name => 'postgresql93-devel',
class {'apache':
  default_vhost => false,
class {'memcached':

Install ReviewBoard itself:

class {'reviewboard':

Create a "default" reviewboard site - based at '/opt/reviewboard/site' and available at ${::fqdn}/ :

reviewboard::site {'/opt/reviewboard/site':
  dbpass     => 'dbpassword',
  adminpass  => 'adminpassword',
  adminemail => 'root@example.com',

Create a reviewboard site based at '/var/www/reviewboard', available at ${::fqdn}/reviewboard:

reviewboard::site {'/var/www/reviewboard':
  vhost      => "${::fqdn}",
  location   => '/reviewboard'
  dbpass     => 'dbpassword',
  adminpass  => 'adminpassword',
  adminemail => 'root@example.com',

Setup LDAP Authentication for the site, authenticating against ldap://foo.example.com:389 (clear text, non-SSL) and looking for users under the base DN ou=people,dc=example,dc=com with a user mask of samaccountname=%s (Active Directory):

reviewboard::site::ldap {'/var/www/reviewboard':
    uri      => 'ldap://foo.example.com:389',
	basedn   => 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=com',
	usermask => 'samaccountname=%s'

You can change the review board version installed with the 'version' argument to the reviewboard class. Acceptable values for the version argument look like '1.7.20' or '2.0rc1'. You can find a catalog of versions at:


You can change how the sites are configured with the 'provider' arguments to the reviewboard class.


  • puppetlabs/apache: Use puppetlabs/apache to create an Apache vhost
  • simple: Copy the apache config file generated by reviewboard & set up a basic Apache server
  • none: No web provisioning is done


  • puppetlabs/postgresql: Use the puppetlabs/postgresql module to create database tables & install bindings
  • none: No DB provisioning is done (note a database is required for the install to work)

The default settings are

class reviewboard {
    version     => '1.7.24',
    webprovider => 'puppetlabs/apache',
    dbprovider  => 'puppetlabs/postgresql'

To use a custom web provider set the 'webuser' parameter & subscribe the web service to reviewboard::provider::web<||>:

class reviewboard {
    webprovider => 'none',
    webuser     => 'apache',
Reviewboard::Provider::Web<||> ~> Service['apache']

You will then need to manually configure your web server, Reviewboard generates an example Apache config file in ${site}/conf/apache-wsgi.conf.

Other Features

  • RBTool: Reviewboard command-line interface. To install:

     include reviewboard::rbtool
  • Trac integration: The traclink Reviewboard plugin posts a notice on a Trac ticket whenever the 'Bug' field is set in a review. To install:

     package {trac: } # Make sure Trac is installed via Puppet
     include reviewboard::traclink

    There is also some setup required in your site's trac.ini:

     reviews = text
     reviews.format = wiki
     review = //reviewboard/r/


Integration tests make use of serverspec to check the module is applied properly on a Vagrant VM.

To setup tests

$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install --path vendor

To run the syntax, lint and rspec tests:

$ bundle exec rake test

To run the beaker/serverspec integration tests:

$ BEAKER_destroy=no bundle exec rake acceptance

To run again without re-provisioning the vm:

$ BEAKER_destroy=no BEAKER_provision=no bundle exec rake acceptance

For more information on running the integration/acceptance tests, see How to Write a Beaker Test for a Module.

Note that spec_helper_acceptance.rb currently forces Puppet installation to 3.6.2, as I couldn't figure out how to get facts and fixture modules working right with puppet apply in 3.7.x.

Use vagrant destroy to stop the test VM.