
generates dot files of the graph of all reachable states in a Top Spin puzzle

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Once when I was working on some homework, I became distracted by the idea that I could graph all possible states of "Top Spin"-esque puzzles. After holing up in my room for two days, this project was the result.

I didn't know anything about making graphs, so I offloaded that bit to dot. While looking up ways to generate permutations, I came across "Generation of Permutations by Addition", which I used to write perm_gen.c.


$ make
$ ./tturns 3 2
graph T {
"2 1 0 " -- "1 2 0 " [color=red];
"2 1 0 " -- "1 0 2 " [color=blue];
"2 1 0 " -- "0 2 1 " [color=blue];
"1 2 0 " -- "2 0 1 " [color=blue];
"1 2 0 " -- "0 1 2 " [color=blue];
"2 0 1 " -- "0 2 1 " [color=red];
"2 0 1 " -- "0 1 2 " [color=blue];
"0 2 1 " -- "1 0 2 " [color=blue];
"1 0 2 " -- "0 1 2 " [color=red];

See samples/ for output from dot for a few values.


  • Jim Mahoney, for teaching a rad class
  • Binary Arts, for making an puzzle that was fun to hack about
  • The folks at graphiz, for writing an awesome free graphing utility
  • John R. Howell, for making permutations so easy I could dive in before taking that Probability class


I don't know if I'll get back to this project, but...

  • soup it up until it can handle 20d4
  • primes.c seems to be using a dingy variation of the sieve. run benchmark on this and the related project euler answer--I can do better.
  • also, why does this project even need primes? before that benchmarking, see if we can pull this out entirely.
  • see if I can make the permutations bit more generic for I can reuse this code for the "book of tic-tac-toe" project


TwistTurns is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more details.