Ellis Hughes
The goal of {sidescroller} is to provide a unique way to generate slides through R and HTML. This is unlike a powerpoint presentation because it slowly scrolls through the slides, as if it were a story. The past slides can still be seen, providing context to the past while displaying the future.
This library was inspired from the presentation I gave at the R/Pharma conference in 2019. Making this presentation took a lot of trial and error, and learning more about HTML/CSS and javascript than I expected. I took what I learned and rolled it into this package to make things easier the next time around. In addition, by abstracting my lessons, I was able to improve many aspects of the presentation quality, like keeping the ratio of the slides correct.
I took the R/Pharma presentation and re-made it using this library. The code to generate the presentation can be found on github, and through the magic of github pages, the presentation is live at https://thebioengineer.github.io/R_in_Pharma_sidescroller/.
You can install the released version of sidescroll from github with:
This is a basic example which shows you how to set up your side scroller and the various slide types.
example_scroller <- sidescroller() %>%
title = "This is the title of my awesome presentation",
subtitle = c("Ellis Hughes","11/17/2019"),
text_align = "left"
slide_base(p("Oh Hello, world")) %>%
p("This slide is by default visible due to `visibility = TRUE`"),
tags$li("Item 1"),
tags$li("item 2")
visibility = TRUE) %>%
) %>%
title = "This is a wide slide",
p("This slide will fill the width of the display"),
p("The purpose could be to clear out the past display, or stage before the next section")
) %>%
## New slide header
Testing the markdown
1. making
- a list
- is easy in markdown
- but
2. will it render??
Because I like [links](https://www.google.com)!
Use the save_sidescroller()
function to save the sidescroller object as intended.
The resulting presention looks like this:
Please note that the 'sidescroller' project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.