UseR! 2021: R Package Validation and {valtools}

Author: Ellis Hughes

twitter: @ellis_hughes

This is the repository for the UseR! 2021 presentation R Package Validation and {valtools}.


The focus of this presentation is to give an introduction to the R package validation framework and the accompanying {valtools} R package.

The R Package Validation Framework offers a clear, easy to follow guide to automate the creation of validated R packages for use in regulated industries. By combining many of the package development tools and philosophies already in existence in the R ecosystem, the framework minimizes overhead while improving the quality of both the package and validation.

{valtools} is the implementation of this framework as an R package. Much like {usethis}, {valtools} automates the creation of the validation infrastructure and eventual validation report so users can focus on what matters: writing the R package.

By the end of this talk, listeners will know the basics to implement the R Package Validation Framework using the {valtools} package.

I would like to thank the PHUSE R Package Validation Framework Working Group for efforts around the framework and {valtools}