
Custom "Apps" for launching Tsubasa through gbammc/Thor for a keyboard shortcut and a BitBar script on macOS

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Custom "App" for launching Tsubasa through gbammc/Thor for a keyboard shortcut and a BitBar script on macOS



Replace the path in each script with your relevant paths.

  • Tsubasa Full.app/Contents/MacOS/Tsubasa Full
  • Tsubasa Region.app/Contents/MacOS/Tsubasa Region
  • Tsubasa Window.app/Contents/MacOS/Tsubasa Window
  • tsubasa-bitbar.sh

Disclaimer for Info.plist

For each "app", is a Info.plist that was copied from an Electron app solely for being compatible with Thor. Nothing in the Info.plist is relevant other than the CFBundleIconFile key.