Ready to use smart contracts and web3 scripts to ease your Blockchain Development
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Create an ERC20 Smart Contract
#2 opened by mbcse - 3
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Create Tezos SmartPy FA1 Contract (ERC20 Contract)
#30 opened by mbcse - 10
Adding smart contract for Voting Dapp
#9 opened by gurusinb - 5
Create an ERC721 Smart Contract
#3 opened by mbcse - 5
Adding a solana smart contract
#29 opened by kamalbuilds - 11
Create an NFT Market Place Smart Contract
#4 opened by mbcse - 1
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Create a script to get current gas fees on ethereum
#24 opened by mbcse - 3
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Smart Contract for Decentralized Staking
#17 opened by AbhinavXT - 0
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Creatng Smart contracts, web3 scripts and tests for Chainlink Price Feed and VRF
#11 opened by AbhinavXT - 8
Create a bank smart contract
#10 opened by mbcse - 0