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              |    Dune Legacy 0.96 readme    |
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This software is provided as is, and you are running it at your own risk.  I'm not responsible if any harm results
from you aquiring, or running this software.  If you distribute this software, make sure this readme file is included.
The program Dune Legacy is an modernized clone of the excellent Westwood Studios game "Dune 2". It is ridiculusly easy to find
Dune2 on the net anyways, but I won't provide it.  I think you can still even buy it from Westwood studios, so do that.
There exists a mod called Superdune 2. The PAK-Files Superdune 2 provides are nearly the same except SCENARIO.PAK.
This program would not have been created without the use of the excellent SDL library and its extensions.  Thanks guys :).

Getting Started

The following PAK-files from the original Dune 2 are needed to play Dune Legacy:
	GERMAN.PAK (for playing in german)
	FRENCH.PAK (for playing in french; This is currently not tested and buggy)

It depends on your system and installation where to put these files. LEGACY.PAK is supplied with Dune Legacy and is already
in the data directory. All the other files should be copied there too. If you are not allowed to copy files there you may
copy these files inside the dunelegacy configuration directory (e.g. ~/.config/dunelegacy/data/ on unix).

It depends on how the game was compiled. Normally you should put these files under /usr/share/dunelegacy/ or /usr/local/share/dunelegacy/ .
Just look for LEGACY.PAK. If you do not have root access to your system you should put them in your home directory under ~/.config/dunelegacy/data/ .

The installer has already asked for the files and put them in the installation directory. If not put the PAK-files inside your installation folder or 
if you do not have administrator privileges you should put them to C:\Documents and Settings\<YourName>\Application Data\dunelegacy\data\ .

The PAK-files have to be copied inside the application bundle. If you have followed the steps in the supplied dmg you have already copied them there.
Otherwise just right-click on the bundle and select "Show Bundle Content". Then navigate into "Contents" and then into "Resources". There you will 
find LEGACY.PAK. Put the other PAK-files there too. Alternativly you can put them in your home directory under ~/.config/dunelegacy/data/ but putting 
them inside the application bundle is the preferred way.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Escape						-	Go to menu
Space						-	Pause game
Alt + Enter					-	Toggle fullscreen
Alt + Tab					-	Switch to other application
Enter						-	Start/Stop chatting
Key P						-	Save screenshot as screenshot.bmp
Key T						-	Toggle display of current game time
Key F10						-	Toggle sound effects and voice
Key F11						-	Toggle music
Key Up, Down, Left or Right	-	Move on the map

Key F5						-	Skip 30 seconds
Key F6						-	Skip 2 minutes
Key -						-	Decrease gamespeed
Key +						-	Increase gamespeed

Ctrl + (Key 1 to Key 9)		-	Save the list of selected units as unit group 1 to 9
Key 1 to Key 9				-	Select units from unit group 1 to 9
Shift + (Key 1 to Key 9)	-	Add all units from unit group 1 to 9 to the list of currently selected units
Key 0						-	Deselect all currently selected units
Ctrl + Key 0				-	Remove currently selected units form all unit groups (group 1-9)

Key M						-	Order unit to move to some position
Key A						-	Order selected units to attack some unit, structure or position
Key R						-	Repair selected structure

Configuration file

If you want to fine tune the configuration of Dune Legacy you might want to take a look at the configuration file "Dune Legacy.ini". Depending on your system it 
is either placed in ~/.config/dunelegacy (on Linux and Mac OS X) or in C:\Documents and Settings\<YourName>\Application Data\dunelegacy\ (on Windows).

IRC: #dunelegacy @ irc.freenode.net
Web: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dunelegacy