
This web project involves creating a small application for basic photo and video editing using a webcam and predefined images with alpha channels. Users can select an overlay image, capture a photo with their webcam, and view the combined result. All captured images will be public, likable, and commentable.

Concepts that I learned :

MVC Model

Capture d’écran 2024-07-30 à 21 07 10

The Model View Controller architectural pattern separates concerns into one of 3 buckets:

Model: stores & manages data. Often a database, in our quick example we’ll use local web storage on a browser to illustrate the concept.

View: Graphical User Interface The view is a visual representation of the data- like a chart, diagram, table, form.

The view contains all functionality that directly interacts with the user - like clicking a button, or an enter event.

Controller: Brains of the application. The controller connects the model and view. The controller converts inputs from the view to demands to retrieve/update data in the model.

The controller receives input from view, uses logic to translate the input to a demand for the model, the model grabs the data, the controller passes data from the model back to the view for the user to see in a nice display.
