- 1
- 10
Error when running the powershell script
#183 opened by DeltriDev - 6
Problems building test app
#191 opened by ktraunmueller - 2
- 3
Wrong include in the swift-winui projections.json
#188 opened by rayman-zhao - 2
Can't install Arc browser for windows 10
#185 opened by pawelkuwa - 3
Why do swift-winrt and co force dynamic linking?
#182 opened by stackotter - 3
- 0
Undo the IID workaround
#178 opened by tristanlabelle - 0
- 7
How to build Swift Windows app using swift-winui but with the latest Windows App SDK 1.5.4 ?
#175 opened by litewrap - 2
- 1
Add @Sendable conformance to generated types.
#162 opened by jeffdav - 0
Type safety improvements for IUnknownRef
#161 opened by tristanlabelle - 0
support creating IReference of any WinRT type
#160 opened by tristanlabelle - 0
- 5
- 0
- 4
Compilation errors when generating sources for Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.WebView2
#130 opened by biscuitehh - 1
Cannot build the project
#124 opened by StefanCosminR