
A web application that is responsible for registering sites, pages or web applications via URL, said application is developed in Laravel.

Primary LanguagePHP


Kamplink is a web application that is responsible for registering sites, pages or web applications via URL, said application is developed in PHP, more specifically in Laravel. The database used is MySQL. If you want to view the application, click here: Kamplink or on the image.

Project cloning

To clone the project on your computer enter the following command on your computer: git clone https://github.com/IvanZM123/kamplink.git To execute this command you need to have installed Git on your computer.


  1. You need to have php installed on your computer, visit this page to download: https://www.apachefriends.org/es/index.html once downloaded install the program.
  2. You need to have Node.js installed on your computer, visit this page to download it: https://nodejs.org/es/ once downloaded install the program.
  3. Have Laravel installed on your computer, visit this page for more information: https://laravel.com

Config environments

In the project find a .env.example file, copy all the variables, then create a .env file and paste the previously copied variables.

Command execution

Once the previous section is completed, run this command in order:

  1. npm i This command will install the necessary packages for the application to function, after finishing the download it will create a node_modules folder.
  2. npm run dev This command will compile the files in the resources folder and create them in the public folder already compiled.
  3. composer update --no-scripts
  4. composer dump-autoload Updates the automatic class loader information. This command is useful when you add new classes and you don't want to run the command.
  5. php artisan key:generate This command will generate a key for our project, and it will automatically assign it in the .env file.
  6. php artisan migrate This command will create the necessary tables to save the data in the Database.
  7. php artisan serve This command will generate a development server.