
🚀 CRUD operations on FerretDB using Go (REST API)

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

REST-API With Go and FerretDB

This repository contains the code of CRUD operations on FerretDB written in Golang. Using HTTP requests, you can create, read, update, and delete users from the FerretDB instance.

Note: This is not a production-ready application. I was just trying out FerretDB.

Get Started

Development environment needs:

Make sure docker is installed and running. And the Task tool is installed.

How to run?

First, Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/thecaffeinedev/rest-api-ferretdb.git

Next, change the current directory to the repository:

cd rest-api-ferretdb

Create file .env with content copied from .env.sample. There won't be any need of changing the values. ****

Next, run the application:

task run

After the build is successful, You can access the application on port 8080


| Name        | HTTP Method | Route            |
|-------------|-------------|----------------- |
| Health      | GET         | /alive           |
|             |             |                  |
| Get User    | GET         | /api/user/{email}|
| Create User | POST        | /api/user        |
| Update User | PUT         | /api/user/{email}|
| Delete User | DELETE      | /api/user/{email}|

Create User

This endpoint inserts a document in the users collection of the users database.Send a POST request to /api/user:

curl -X POST \
  '' \
  --header 'Accept: */*' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
  "name": "Anakin",
  "email": "anakin@gmail.com",
  "password": "skywalker"


  "id": "ObjectID(\"6420090d2b2859af4fc17b4d\")",
  "name": "Anakin",
  "email": "anakin@gmail.com",
  "password": "skywalker"

Get User

This endpoint retrieves a user given the email. Send a GET request to /api/user/{email}:

curl -X GET \
  '' \
  --header 'Accept: */*'


  "id": "ObjectID(\"6420090d2b2859af4fc17b4d\")",
  "name": "Anakin",
  "email": "anakin@gmail.com",
  "password": "skywalker"

Update User

This endpoint updates the provided fields within the specified document filtered by email. Send a PUT request to /api/user/{email}:

curl -X PUT \
  '' \
  --header 'Accept: */*' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{"password": "padme"}'


  "id": "",
  "name": "",
  "email": "anakin@gmail.com",
  "password": "padme"

Delete User

This endpoint deletes the user from the database given the email.Send a DELETE request to /api/user/{email}:

curl -X DELETE \
  '' \
  --header 'Accept: */*'


  "message": "Successfully Deleted"

Technologies Used:

Frameworks + Libraries Used


I would recommend checking the FerretDB Github Repo. They are doing some awesome work.