
A collection of custom PowerShell scripts that I have written to ease some of the daily requirements of IT tasks

Primary LanguagePowerShell

PowerShell Useful Scripts

This is a collection of scripts that I have created in the course of work and study to streamline processes related to Unified Endpoint Management and Third Party (3PUP) patch management. Included are scripts to directly query version and installer download information for major third party applications.

There are also a few other miscellaneous bits here and there that may not be necessarily related to the above.

Thanks, Credits and Acknowledgments

I want to note a few resources and individuals that have helped me learn much in this journey. I can only hope to give back to others out there.

  • r/PowerShell
  • r/SCCM
  • NathanTheGr8 . I was able to figure out how to properly query Adobe Acrobat Reader DC version information through his great work
  • itsontheb . A good dude on GitHub and Reddit for expertise. Thanks for getting me started!
  • skatterbrainz . This man is a kindred spirit in his meticulous and helpful nature. Thanks!