
Emacs package that consumes Bamboo's REST API to do useful things.

Primary LanguageEmacs LispMIT LicenseMIT



Emacs package that consumes Bamboo's REST API to do useful things.

Breaking change

For issue #23, now the environments list uses d to queue a deployment instead of q. Now q has the standard behaviour of closing the tabulated list.

You can buy me a cup of ko-fi! There's also a PayPal option.

Table of contents

Installation and configuration

Place panda.el in your load-path. Or install from MELPA (preferred).

The next step would be to use customize for panda. Options are documented, below some of them:

  1. REQUIRED: Add the Bamboo API URL (Notice there's no trailing /):
    (setq 'panda-api-url "https://bamboo.yourorg.com/rest/api/latest")

There's also panda-browser-url, which is used to open elements in your default browser.

  1. You can set panda-username if you don't want to enter your user name on each session

  2. Not all environments are created equal. Use panda-deploy-confirmation-regex to match environment names for which you want to be asked for confirmation before deploying. For example in my own config this is set to "prod".

  3. panda-less-messages means the package won't display as many messages in the echo area. You can still read them all in the package's log buffer

  4. The pair panda-open-status-after-build and panda-open-status-after-deploy default to 'ask. Their names are quite self-explanatory. I have them set to t so whenever I queue a build or deploy, the status buffer for the relevant project opens up and I can check the progress.

  5. Finally, panda-log-responses should help you (us!) troubleshoot any issues.


There's a keymay provided for convenience:

    (require 'panda)
    (global-set-key (kbd "C-c b") 'panda-map) ;; b for "Bamboo"

The keymap uses long sequences, but it's also quite mnemonic. Assuming you use the binding suggested above:

C-c b s (s => status), then either b, d or e for build, deploy or environment status, respectively.

C-c b q (q => queue), then either b or d to queue a build or a deploy.

In case you don't use the amazing which-key package, panda-map prints a message in the echo area that shows the available bindings.

The build and deploy status modes also have actions associated to them. Use ? to open a help buffer with the list of bindings available.


In Bamboo, the builds follow a hierarchy of PROJECT -> PLAN -> optionally, BRANCHES. The deployment projects use their own numeric ID. Using Panda itself, or checking out the Bamboo URL, is easy to identify these codes or descriptions to setup shortcut bindings (more on this below).

For the rest of the manual we'll asume you work in a project called "Awesome" which has been configured in Bamboo as follows:

  • Project code: AWE

    • Module Server: AWE-SERVER
    • Module Client: AWE-CLIENT
  • Name of the deploy project: "Awesome - Server"

Whenever you call one of the main commands interactively, you need to tell Panda which project you want to build or deploy. Using the cache, Panda will use completing-read to map a project's name to their internal codes.


The first request to Bamboo will ask for user/pass and then cache your credentials in memory as long as Emacs is open. The information on the projects and plans is retrieved once and cached for the session. Branches for each plan are cached as required. Information about the deployment projects is cached at once too.

If you created a new branch or environment in Bamboo and don't see them in panda, call panda-refresh-cache to force a reload of all items.

Custom bindings

All the major commands accept the project's code or name, so you can bind your own "most used" projects. For example:

;; build commands  Project Awesome's server
(global-set-key (kbd "M-<prior>") (lambda () (interactive) (panda-queue-build "AWE-SERVER")))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-S-<prior>") (lambda () (interactive) (panda-build-results "AWE-SERVER")))
;; deploys for Project Awesome's server
(global-set-key (kbd "M-<next>") (lambda () (interactive) (panda-queue-deploy "Awesome - Server")))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-S-<next>") (lambda () (interactive) (panda-deploy-status "Awesome - Server")))

With custom bindings you can skip prompts and jump directly to the action, while keeping the main commands flexible to deploy other projects when needed.


Depending on your setup, you might need to manually create a releases out of your builds before you deploy them:

  • You can invoke panda-create-release or C-c b c, and follow the prompts.
  • From the build status buffer, press c with a successful build under point to create a release.

If your plan does not create a release automatically, you will notice that after the build is done you can't see it in the list of possible releases. This should take care of that step.


There are a few tasks I can't find a way to accomplish via the API:

  • Telling if a build has a deploy created
  • Finding the name of the base plan's branch from the data instead of hardcoding the name to "Base"
  • A way to relate a build to a release via IDs, not depending on the release name matching the build's name.

Feel free to submit an issue for new features or bugs!