
Minor mode for Outputz.com

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

== typing-outputz.el

This elisp helps you record the number of characters you typed on

== Installation

To use this elisp, locate typing-outputz.el in a directory included in
'load-path', and write following codes in your .emacs

    (require 'typing-outputz)
    (global-typing-outputz-mode t)
    (setq typing-outputz-key "bWAROb-quUbf")

== Tips

In default configuration, only 'self-insert-command' is the command to
be counted. Of course, you can add commands to be counted by adding
them to 'typing-outputz-counted-commands' For example, if you are
using SKK, you may want this:

    (add-to-list 'typing-outputz-counted-commands

If 'notify-send' command is available on your machine, following codes
enables pop-up notification on update.

    (defun to-growl-record-buffer ()
      (let ((growl-command-template
              ((eq 0 (shell-command "which notify-send"))
               "notify-send -i gnome-emacs \"Emacs notify\" \"%s\"")
              (t nil))))
        (when growl-command-template
           (format growl-command-template
                   (format "Outputz: %d chars"
    (add-hook 'typing-outputz-record-buffer-hook
              'to-growl-record-buffer nil)

Yuto Hayamizu <y.hayamizu@gmail.com>