
Amortized version of the differentially private SGD algorithm published in "Deep Learning with Differential Privacy" by Abadi et al. Enforces privacy by clipping and sanitising the gradients with Gaussian noise during training.

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Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent

This is an implementation of the differentially private SGD optimizer described in the Deep Learning with Differential Privacy paper. It uses a Gaussian sanitizer to sanitize gradients and an amortized moments accountant to keep track of spent privacy. Very useful for deep learning projects that require some level of privacy guarantee during training. The AmortizedGaussianSanitizer sanitizes gradients with Gaussian noise in an amoritzed way. AmortizedAccountant accumulates the privacy spending by assuming all the examples are processed uniformly at random, so the spending is amortized among all the examples. Implementation is done in Tensorflow 2.3.

Note: The scripts will be slow without CUDA enabled.


python >= 3.6



Results are shown in Table 1 and Table 2, with the parameters eps=1.0, delta=1e-7, target_eps=16. For DENSE network, we used a max_eps=16 and max_delta=1e-3. For CNN network, we used max_eps=64, max_delta=1e-3.

Table 1. results of 100 epochs training with the learning rate of 0.01

Model Train acc. Valid acc. Test acc. Eps used Delta used Training time
DPSGD-DENSE 47.14% 47.37% 48.89% 13.99 0.00036839 14M 52S
DPSGD-CNN 67.35% 67.68% 71.06% 2.29 0.00012746 52M 15S

Table 2. results of 200 epochs training with the learning rate of 0.01

Model Train acc. Valid acc. Test acc. Eps used Delta used Training time
DPSGD-DENSE 47.93% 48.11% 49.14% 19.79 0.00073558 28M 48S
DPSGD-CNN 73.97% 74.22% 76.83% 3.23 0.00024880 1H 46M

The accuracy for DPSGD-CNN on MNIST for 200 epochs:

The loss for DPSGD-CNN on MNIST for 200 epochs:


Acknowledgements given to marcotcr.


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Martín Abadi, Andy Chu, Ian Goodfellow, H. Brendan McMahan, Ilya Mironov, Kunal Talwar, Li Zhang. Deep Learning with Differential Privacy. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS), pp. 308-318, 2016.