
A webapp that allows people to remember the lyrical verses that have impacted them in some way.

Primary LanguageJava

Build Status Releases Tags

Lyrical Impact

A webapp that allows people to remember the lyrical verses that have impacted them in some way.

Table of Contents




  1. Create a fun web site that scratches a personal itch. I'm hoping to actually go-live with this.
  2. Get personally caught up on modern tech stack, including Spring Boot, JPA, MVC, Eureka/Ribbon/Feign and Docker Compose & Kubernetes


General goals:

  1. Be able to run the app stack on a Windows desktop in each of these deployment configs with the same source code:
    • Spring Boot plugin direct on the host (same as java -jar ...)
    • Docker run - using custom/basic Dockerfile(s)
    • Docker-compose - development-like mode using the basic Dockerfiles(s) & in-memory H2 databases
    • Docker-compose - production-like mode using images created from various from helper frameworks & a MariaDB database
    • Kubernetes (via Docker Desktop) - production-like mode using k8s resource files, images created from the Google Jib plugin and running in a live-reload mode provided by skaffold dev
  2. The app stack, including several microservices, are modeled after the design guidance from:
  3. Use existing social media logins, via OpenID Connect (OICD)/OAuth2, so that I can avoid storage of usernames and passwords

Localhost Config

When running from IDE or CLI:

  • edit 'hosts' file to have aliases for localhost
    • localhost lyricalimpact.net keycloak.lyricalimpact.net

When running from docker-compose, skaffold or helm:

  • edit 'hosts' file to have an entry for host's actual IP address
    • lyricalimpact.net keycloak.lyricalimpact.net

Docker-compose Deployment

Service orchestration using docker-compose (or the new docker compose command) in one of several ways (in order of preference):


Google Jib

Google container tools, the maven plugin can create the docker images for Boot apps. Use case: Production-like stack deployment. Runs with pre-built containers and a MariaDB service.

  mvn clean install
  mvn jib:dockerBuild
  cd docker
  docker-compose up -d
  docker-compose up -d --scale tags=3

Spring Boot Java Buildpack

Starting with Spring Boot 2.3.0M2, the maven plugin can create the docker images for Boot apps. Use case: Production-like stack deployment. Runs with pre-built containers and a MariaDB service.

  mvn clean install
  mvn spring-boot:build-image -Dmaven.test.skip=true
  cd docker
  docker-compose up -d
  docker-compose up -d --scale tags=3

Plain Dockerfiles

Use case: Fast developer stack deployment. Runs with local directory Dockerfiles and in-memory H2 database services

  cd docker
  docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml build
  docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d
  note: services are not scalable because all service ports are exposed to host for debugging purposes

Kubernetes Deployment

Deployment using Kubernetes and either Skaffold or Helm. Docker Desktop can manage a single-node Kubernetes instance, so enable that option. Download CLIs for Skaffold, Helm and Kubectl and put each on PATH env var.

One-Time Config

  • Enable the WLS2 option for Docker and then set resource limits. Create, or edit, the file "~/.wslconfig" file to include:

Enable the Kubernetes Dashboard module

Reference: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/web-ui-dashboard/

Powershell (as admin):

  kubectl proxy

Browse to: http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/#/deployment?namespace=default

Deploy via Skaffold


  mvn clean install
  skaffold dev
  ctrl+c to undeploy

Deploy via Helm

Reference full instructions in the Helm README file


  cd ./k8s/helm/lyrical-impact
  helm install lyrical-impact ./
  helm list
  helm uninstall lyrical-impact

Access the App

Identity Providers

The app uses OAUTH2/OpenID Connection (OIDC) to allow for flexible user management, externalized from the app itself. There are three identity provider integrations that I prioritized for working with: Google, Okta and Keycloak.


Use the Google Cloud Platform developer Console > APIs & Services to create Credentials > OAuth2.0 Clients. The Client ID, Client Secret and Authorized URIs are made available to the app via externalized env properties.


Use the Okta developer console to create Applications > Applications. The Client ID, Client Secret and Authorized URIs are made available to the app via externalized env properties.


Keycloak, v13.0.1, is a local OIDC server. Create a service for local user accounts that can login to the application. The Client ID, Client Secret and Authorized URIs are made available to the app via externalized env properties.

Keycloak Config Overview

To automated the creation of a Keycloak realm, client, roles and users, you must:

  1. Start Keycloak in its unconfigured state
  2. Create the Keycloak resources via the admin UI
  3. Export the realm to json file
  4. Mount the json file to the docker container so that Keycloak will automatically import the config on startup

Keycloak Config Details

Keycloak Config Details