
For Software design

Primary LanguageHTML

Modifications to get working on my system:

When downloading original USB server bookstore file to a MAC,

Drop the 'root' folder files into htdocs folder in MAMP

(Change Line 2 in accessBooks.php)


$connect = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', 'root', 'bookstore');

USB Webserver

$connect = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', 'usbw', 'bookstore');

(Line 142 in accessBooks.php)


return json_encode($books);

changed to:

return json_encode(utf8ize($books));

IMPORT localhost.sql (database data) to mamp sever

  1. Go to http://localhost:/phpmyadmin (http://localhost:8888/phpmyadmin)
  2. Click on mysql on left
  3. Click import from the top row of links on the main page.
  4. select file from your computer to upload.