
Two classes. One-to-many relationship, ActiveRecord/Sinatra

Primary LanguageRuby

##Sports League Team Tracker

This app is very useful for organizing your teams and keeping track of players who have performed or not.


Jessica Hori


This app is used in connection with Sinatra and ActiveRecord. You do not have to run Rails.

Download or fork the repository and bundle in terminal in order to use the required gems and dependencies.

I have 2 extra files but you dont need those if you set up correctly from the beginning. If you are starting from scratch you should first make an important folder: 'config' -- with a database.yml file inside it.

In your yml file will be :

  adapter: postgresql
  database: sports_league_development

  adapter: postgresql
  database: sports_league_test

Make sure those are lined up correctly. If you put the adapter and database words aligned to the left wall of the text editor, your database will only make the development database and ignore everything else under it.

Run rake db:create

then: rake db:test:prepare

This will create the main and test databases.

Run rake db:create_migration NAME=create_players A db folder with a sub folder called migrate with migration files will automatically be created. In "CreatePlayers" class should be:

class CreatePlayers < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :players do |t|
      t.string :player_name
      t.integer :team_id
      t.boolean :performed
      t.timestamps null: false

Next we will run rake db:create_migration NAME=create_teams A file is automatically created. In your CreateTeams class should be:

class CreateTeams < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :teams do |t|
      t.string :team_name
      t.timestamps null: false

Run rake db:migrate Very Important because you changed the files!

And then run rake db:test:prepare again!! Every time there is a change to the files, you should always run the test prepare to keep up with latest changes, otherwise some specs will fail and you wont know why.

After that you make your lib folder and put player.rb and team.rb files

class Team < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :players
class Player < ActiveRecord::Base

  scope :has_not_performed, -> do
    where({:performed => false})

  belongs_to :team

Check the repository files for more information on spec set up, Rakefile, Gemfile,and views.


GNU GPL v.2.0

Free to copy and improve via fork and pull requests.

Check the user stories if you would like to add more features and functionality.

##User Stories

  1. As the league manager, I want to create teams.
  2. As the league manager, I want to add players to team so I can keep track of who plays for what team.
  3. As the league manager, I want to be able to move a player from one team to another. (Basically you need to implement a separate update/delete function for the players, then you can delete players without deleting an entire team and all of their players)
  4. As the league manager, I want to see a history of a player's teams, so I can keep track what teams they've played for.(I believe a join table needs to go in here somewhere so that some players can play for multiple teams)
  5. As the league manager, I want to set up games between teams, so I can keep track of scores and win-loss records.
  6. As the league manager, I want to generate tournament ladder that pits the teams with the best records against each other, so I can find out who the best team is. (Hint: Just pick an even number like 8 or 16 so every team in the tournament always has a match.)