
Rails with less magic(manual methods, no scaffolds)/ActiveRecord. One -to-many relationship, manual routing

Primary LanguageRuby

#Wikipages Personal Phone Book

This app is very useful for having a backup for your contacts.


Jessica Hori


This app is used in connection with Rails and ActiveRecord.

Download or fork the repository and bundle in terminal in order to use the required gems and dependencies.

Naturally this should all you need to do:

rake db:create:all


rake db:migrate


rake db:test:prepare

Run Rspec and it should all pass. Then you are ready to run rails server or rails s in the terminal. Go to localhost:3000 to use to program.

To add contacts from terminal run rails console or rails c for short

Then you would type Contact.create(:name => 'Chuck Norris')


Contact.create(:name => "A cool name", :phone => "5551119999", :email =>"name@mail.com")

+++ If you are starting from scratch, we first run: rails new folder_name -d postgresql -T

-d specifies postgres for the database. You can easily replace that with -d mysql

-T is to supposed to tell it not to use Rails default testing tools. You can leave it out if you want.

+++ Fix up all files, database.yml, Rakefile, Gemfile to whatever you want. Then run bundle update.

+++ rake db:create

+++ rails generate migration create_classnames A table in the database is created and the migration file is sent to the db folder

+++ rails generate rspec:install (If you are including this testing in your gemfile)

Most important folders in basic Rails app to add and edit:

  1. app > controllers (application_controller.rb) (classname_controller.rb)
  2. models > (classname.rb) Add other class folders
  3. views > classnamedfolder > (index.html.erb, edit.html.erb, new.html.erb, show.html.erb, success.html.erb) *Each class has its own folder with those same routes. *
  4. config > (routes.rb) // To lesser degree: (application.rb, database.yml)
  5. db > migration files. Edit change.
  6. spec > Add classname_spec.rb Other class specs
  7. Gemfile
  8. Readme


GNU GPL v.2.0

Report bugs via fork and pull requests.

If you would like to improve and add more features and functionality feel free.