
A simple utility to check if ports on an IP address are responding

Primary LanguageC

Written by Neill Miller (neillm@thecodefactory.org)

This simple port util program takes an ip address and a list of ports
on the command line and checks to see if if each of the ports is

If the port is not responding, a command is issued to restart the
service via ssh.  All results are also logged.

How to compile (tested on GNU/Linux only):

gcc port_util.c -o port_util

How to run:

Usage: ./port_util -i IP-ADDRESS -p PORT1,PORT2,PORTN

./port_util -i -p 22,80,443,9999

Example output log:

Starting system scan at Fri Nov 14 13:00:56 2014
Checking port 22 on
Connection success, service is active!
Checking port 80 on
Connection success, service is active!
Checking port 443 on
Connection failed (Connection refused)
Attempting to restart service with command: ssh root@ "service https start"
Checking port 9999 on
Connection failed (Connection refused)
Attempting to restart service with command: ssh root@ "service unknown start"