
My personal take on Clean Architecture (.NET8)

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Clean Architecture

My personal take on Clean Architecture. Please read my post at Implementing a Clean Architecture in ASP.NET Core 6 for more information.

Technologies used

  • ASP.NET Core 8
  • Entity Framework Core 8
  • MassTransit
  • AutoMapper
  • Razor Components
  • ASP.NET Core MVC
  • GuardClauses
  • xUnit
  • Moq
  • Fluent Assertions
  • FakeItEasy
  • Docker


The features of this particular solution are summarized briefly below, in no particular order:

  • Localization for multiple language support
  • Event sourcing using Entity Framework Core and SQL Server as persistent storage, including snapshots and retroactive events
  • EventStore repository and DataEntity generic repository. Persistence can be swapped between them, fine-grained to individual entities
  • Persistent application configurations with optional encryption
  • Data operation auditing built-in (for entities which are not using the EventStore)
  • Local user management with ASP.NET Core Identity
  • Clean separation of data entities and domain objects and mapping between them for persistence/retrieval using AutoMapper
  • ASP.NET Core MVC with Razor Components used for presentation
  • CQRS using handler abstractions to support MassTransit or MediatR with very little change
  • Service bus abstractions to support message-broker solutions like MassTransit or MediatR (default implementation uses MassTransit’s mediator)
  • Unforcefully promoting Domain-Driven Design with aggregates, entities and domain event abstractions.
  • Lightweight authorization framework using ASP.NET Core AuthorizationHandler
  • Docker containerization support for SQL Server and Web app

Some other goodies:

  • Password generator implementation based on ASP.NET Core Identity password configuration
  • Razor Class Library containing ready-made Blazor components for commonly used features such as CRUD buttons, toast functionality, modal components, Blazor Select2, DataTables integration and page loader
  • Common library with various type extensions, result wrapper objects, paged result data structures, date format converter and more.