
Node and Express Starter Template - with TypeScript

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Xarvis Express TS

Node and Express Starter Template - TypeScript.

node express workflow License: MIT


  • Linting rules with ESlint and Prettier
    • Pre-commit hooks using husky for staged-lint
    • Editor configuration with .editorconfig
    • Lint staged parser in .lintstagedrc.json
  • ENV validations with Joi and dotenv
    • cross-env and pm2 as load balancer
    • ecosystem config file for production
  • Secure http requests using helmet
  • Sanitize request data with xss filters
  • gzip compression for response body size
  • Enable cors, pre-flight across-the-board
  • 404 for unknown API request
  • Convert unknown errors to known object, error handling
  • process.exit on unhandled exception/rejection
  • Custom logging with Winston and Morgan
  • Add a health check route
  • Rate limiter for repeated failed requests in production environment
  • Add unit tests with jest and supertest
  • Github workflow

Project setup

Create a .env file in the root folder, and add the following line


Then try running the following command to start up the server locally

$ npm run dev