
Site audit for your site from terminal

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

📈 Siteaudit: Generate audit benchmark for your site 📈

Siteaudit will analyze your site and generate audit for:

  • Pagespeed
  • Lighthouse
  • A11y


Use nodejs

You can use siteaudit from your terminal using the npm package and run it as a binary

npm -g i siteaudit

siteaudit --url https://canellariccardo.it

or you can use siteadit inside your node application

const SiteAudit = require('siteaudit/lib/node');

SiteAudit.start('https://canellariccardo.it', {
  pagespeed: true,
  lighthouse: false,
  a11y: true,
  outputFolder: '/output',
  customAppenName: `-${Date.now()}`,

Use docker

You can also use the docker image to generate the reports

Passing no configuration

docker run -t \
-v "$(pwd)/.testoutput":"/app/output" \
thecreazy/siteaudit:latest \
--url https://canellariccardo.it \

Passing configuration

docker run -t \
-v "$(pwd)/.testoutput":"/app/output" \
-v "$(pwd)/.siteaudit.json":"/.siteaudit.json"
thecreazy/siteaudit:latest \
--url https://canellariccardo.it \
--no-lighthouse \
--config /.siteaudit.json \

Runtime options

  • --url specify the base url to test
  • --output specify the output directory (where your assets will be generated)
  • --config specify a JSON file containing an extension to the configuration
  • --no-pagespeed no pagespeed audit will be generated
  • --no-lighthouse no lighthouse audit will be generated
  • --no-a11y start without a11y audit
  • --headless use chrome headless

Using ENV

You can also use environments for passing the options

  • SITEAUDIT_NOLIGHTHOUSE no lighthouse audit will be generated
  • SITEAUDIT_NOPAGESPEED no pagespeed audit will be generated
  • SITEAUDIT_CONFIG specify a JSON file containing an extension to the configuration
  • SITEAUDIT_URL pass the url for running the audit
  • SITEAUDIT_A11Y no a11y audit will be generated
  • SITEAUDIT_HEADLESS use chrome headless
  • SITEAUDIT_USINGENV force the use of the environments


If you pass to siteaudit an additional JSON file, it will be merged with initial config.

siteaudit --url https://canellariccardo.it --config ./config.json


  "pagespeed": {
    "pages": ["/", "/404"]


You can also pass a custom config json, there are some examples:

  • pagespeed
    "strategy" :  [ "mobile", "desktop"], // Strategy to use when analyzing the page. this is the base settings, you can only use mobile | desktop
    "locale": "en_US", // Locale results should be generated in.
    "threshold": "70", // Threshold score to pass the PageSpeed test. Useful for setting a performance budget.
    "pages": ["/"]. //Array of relative pages to analyze, default is only / (please, use relative path)
  • lighthouse

For full list of settings options see here.

    "extends" :  [ "lighthouse:default" ], // (string|boolean|undefined) The extends property controls if your configuration should inherit from the default Lighthouse configuration.
    "settings": {
      "onlyCategories": ["performance"],
      "onlyAudits": ["works-offline"],
    }, // (Object|undefined) The settings property controls various aspects of running Lighthouse such as CPU/network throttling and audit whitelisting/blacklisting.
    "audits": [
    ] // (string[]) The audits property controls which audits to run and include with your Lighthouse report.

Using in gitlab-ci

You can also use siteaudit in your gitlabci.yml

  - audit

    name: thecreazy/siteaudit:latest
    entrypoint: ['']
  stage: audit
    SITEAUDIT_URL: 'https://canellaricardo.it'
    - echo "started siteaudit"
    - /usr/local/bin/siteaudit --url=${SITEAUDIT_URL} --headless
      - output


siteaudit will generate this output:

  • lighthouse-audit.html: contains the classic html result of lighthouse
  • pagespeed-audit.md: a markdown format result of the pagespeed api
  • a11y-audit.md: a markdown format result of the a11y api

Output examples


Reporting bugs

  • Open a GitHub issue

Contributing with patches and bug fixes

  • Open a new GitHub pull request with the patch.
  • Ensure the PR description clearly describes the problem and solution.

