
This is a project about machine learning pipeline project from the Data Scientist nana-degree program

Primary LanguagePython


This is a project about machine learning pipeline project from the Data Scientist nana-degree program

(Link)[https://learn.udacity.com/nanodegrees/nd025/parts/cd0018/lessons/ea367f74-3d5a-42b1-92a3-d3d3734fd369/concepts/8c0a0cd1-a2ef-4682-9a8e-c13ef7fc5e65] to Udacity Nano-degree program


This project aims to help people consume disaster information in an efficient manner. It use natural language processing techniques classify text message into different categories based on which type of disaster it belongs to.


app | - template | |- master.html # main page of web app | |- go.html # classification result page of web app |- run.py # Flask file that runs app data |- disaster_categories.csv # data to process |- disaster_messages.csv # data to process |- process_data.py |- InsertDatabaseName.db # database to save clean data to models |- train_classifier.py README.md

How to use it?

You can open your terminal and

To create a processed sqlite db

python data/process_data.py data/disaster_messages.csv data/disaster_categories.csv data/DisasterResponse.db

To train and save a pkl model

python models/train_classifier.py data/DisasterResponse.db models/classifier.pkl

To deploy the application locally

  • Go to app directory: cd app
  • Run your web app: python run.py


The training dataset for building this model is coming from Figure8 and Udacity Data Scietist Nano degree program. Kudos to Figure8 and Udacity!