
🍃 In short, it's like Tailwind CSS, but for the PHP command-line applications.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

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TailCli example

GitHub Workflow Status (master) Total Downloads Latest Version License

Termwind allows you to build unique and beautiful PHP command-line applications, using the Tailwind CSS API. In short, it's like Tailwind CSS, but for the PHP command-line applications.

Installation & Usage

Requires PHP 8.0+

Require Termwind using Composer:

composer require nunomaduro/termwind --dev

Get Started

        a('pestphp.com', 'ml-2 mb-1 text-color-magenta font-bold')->href('https://pestphp.com'),
        span('PASS', 'mt-1 ml-2 px-1 text-color-gray font-bold bg-green'),
        span('Tests\Feature\ExampleTest.php', ' mx-1 text-color-white'),
        span('✓', 'ml-2 text-color-green'),
        span('basic test', 'mx-1 text-color-gray'),
    ], 'mt-1'),
], 'my-1')->render();


The span() function may be used to render an inline container used to mark up a part of a text.

use function Termwind\{div, a, span};

span('Hello World', 'p-2 text-color-white bg-blue')->render();

    span('Hello', 'p-2 text-color-white bg-blue'),
    span('World', 'p-2 text-color-white bg-blue'),


The a() function may be used to render an inline anchor container used to mark up a clickable hyperlink.

use function Termwind\{render, a};

a('https://github.com/nunomaduro/termwind', 'p-2 text-color-white bg-blue')->render();

    a('https://github.com/nunomaduro/termwind', 'p-2 text-color-white bg-blue'),
    a('Termwind', 'p-2 text-color-white bg-blue')->href('https://github.com/nunomaduro/termwind'),


The style() function may be used to add own custom syles.

use function Termwind\{style, span};

style('btn')->apply('p-4 bg-blue text-color-white');

span('Click me', 'btn')->render();

Termwind is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.