Goals: To slowly create an over-the-web Texas No Hold 'Em poker client iteratively over time.
ITERATION 1 - Primitive Console (Unplayable State)
- Handle Betting Scheme //Validate
- Handle Card Comparisons
- Handle Game End Logic
- Handle 2 Person game rulset //Validate
- Handle Empty Deck merge
- Implement Ace Low detecton for straights/straight flushes
- Ensure Cyclomatic Complexity lower than 10
- Increase Unit Test Coverage of Business Logic to 80% (Ignore front-end UI, will be scrapped in ITERATION 2)
ITERATION 2 - Local GUI Client (Unplayable State)
- Refactor into basic GUI {determine arch, MVC?}
- Find/Map image assets
- Customize LinkedList for tracking players
ITERATION 3 - Player Hosted Gamerooms over the Net (Playable State)
- Multithread Card Comparison
- Allow for LAN/WAN play {determine arch}
ITERATION 4 - TBD, other card games rulesets, heavy architectural refactoring/optimization