
vim spell checker for code, understands CamelCase and snake_case

Primary LanguagePython


A vim plugin for checking the spelling for source code. The main difference from the built-in spell checker is that it handles CamelCase, snake_case better, and you can add custom words to it.


  • Enable vim python3 support
  • Install [aspell][http://aspell.net/]
    • Mac: brew install aspell
    • Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install aspell
  • Add it to vim with the vim plugin manager of your choice.
    • Vundle: Add Plugin 'thedadams/vim-codespell' to your ~/.vimrc and run :PluginInstall
    • vim-plug: Add Plug 'thedadams/vim-codespell' to your ~/.vimrc and run :PlugInstall


  • :Codespell: Run the spell checker once

  • :CodespellAddWord: Add the word to the dictionary where the cursor is currently located

  • To spell check every time you save a *.py file, add the following to your vimrc:

:autocmd BufWritePre *.py :Codespell


  • g:CodespellLang: Language to use, see aspell documentation, aspell dictionary automatically generated when changed (default: "en")
  • g:CodespellShortWord: Don't spell check words of this length or shorter (default: 4)


  • sudo pip3 install pytest pytest-benchmark (Or use virtualenv)
  • py.test

Generating Dictionaries

You can add custom words to the dictionary.

  • Change into dict/ and create a text file (e.g. personal.list) of words, one word per line
  • Generate the dictionary for the language you desire (English for example)
dict/build.sh en

A dictionary file like cs-en.dict will be generated in the current dir. The plugin will pick it up if CodespellLang is set to use that language. Note that you have to generate a separate dictionary for each language if you construct custom dictionaries this way.

  • Test the dictionary locally:
cat file_to_be_checked.txt | aspell -l en -d cs.dict --dict-dir=./ --list

The --dict-dir must be specified otherwise aspell will check the default location.


  • Check if python3 is supported in your vim build: vim --version, look for the string "+python3".
  • To load it temporarily for test, cd to plugin/, run vim -S codespell.vim.
  • :match Error /\%2l\%>1c\%<4c./: highlight line 2 (\%2l) and column 2 (\%>1c) to column 3 (\%<4c), the . is required because the match is 0 width.
