
have always wanted a simple SMS bot that gives you the time, weather in any city, crypto and stock prices

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A simple SMS Bot using SignalWire

This is a bot that you'll point the messaging hook in signalwire to and get a great smart bot with a single phone number endpoint.


Accounts in:

  • SignalWire.com account - free incoming SMS and $0.002 outgoing (1/5th the price of twillio)
  • iexcloud.io account - for stocks
  • openweathermap.org - for weather

Note no account required for coinbase (where we pull our crpyto prices) because the api key yis not required for prices.

Now create a .env file with the following fiels

WEATHERAPI=XXXXX <- openweathermap api
IEXAPIS=XXXXX <- iexcloud.io api
SIGNALWIRE_PRODJECT_ID= project id from signalwire.com 
SIGNALWIRE_TOKEN= token from the signalwire.com  
SIGNALWIRE_SPACE= space (it's usually something.signalwire.com)
SIGNALWIRE_OUT_PHONE= phone number including + sign in front 

TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID and TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN are needed if you want to intergrated twillio (you know...for whatsapp...if you want)

Installing and Testing

This project has to be published and accessible to the world. Even to test it. the reason is that you'll be pointing the /message and /wamessage endpoint to be hit by signalwire and twilio Because of this you can start using services like https://localtunnel.me which will let your local development box be accessible to the outside world.