
HTML5 Video Face Detection with the CCV Javascript Library

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This demo uses the CCV Javascript Face Detection Library.

To start run App.start() in your console.

You can also pass it a few different effects:

*App.start('glasses'); // Goofy Glasses example

*App.start('green'); // Green Screen effect (there is a hidden max and min sliders you can use to adjust the thresholds)

*App.start('hipster'); // simple pixel manipulation example

*App.start('blur'); // blur example

Requires a browser that supports getUserMedia (Opera Labs camera or Chrome Canary)

Start Google Chrome Canary with open -a Google\ Chrome\ Canary --args --enable-media-stream OR enable the flag in about:flags

Original links with a stored local video:

Demo Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYES9Qd094o&hd=1

Working Demo : http://wesbos.com/demos/html5-face-detection/

Tutorial : http://www.wesbos.com/html5-video-face-detection-canvas-javascript