
PhpExcel integration for Twig/Symfony

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This Symfony2 bundle provides a PhpExcel integration for Twig.

Supported output formats

The supported output formats are directly based on the capabilities of PhpExcel.

  • .CSV (only basic data output)
  • .ODS (only basic data output)
  • .PDF (requires mPDF)
  • .XLS (limited functionality)
  • .XLSX

Software requirements

The following software is required to use PHPExcel/TwigExcelBundle:

  • PHP version 5.4.0 or newer
  • PHP extension php_zip enabled
  • PHP extension php_xml enabled
  • PHP extension php_gd2 enabled (if not compiled in)


Step 1: Download the Bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

$ composer require mewesk/twig-excel-bundle

Or add the following code to your composer.json file and run composer update afterwards:

    "require": {
        "mewesk/twig-excel-bundle": "1.0.*@dev"
$ php composer.phar update mewesk/twig-excel-bundle

This requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.

Step 2: Enable the Bundle

// app/AppKernel.php

// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...

            new MewesK\TwigExcelBundle\MewesKTwigExcelBundle(),

        // ...

    // ...

Step 3: Configure the Bundle (optional)

Add the following configuration to your config.yml if you don't want to pre-calculate formulas. Disabling this option can improve the performance but the resulting documents won't show the result of any formulas when opened in a external spreadsheet software.

    pre_calculate_formulas: false

Add the following configuration to your config.yml if you want to enable disk caching. Using disk caching can improve memory consumption by writing data to disk temporarily. Works only for .XLSX and .ODS documents.

    disk_caching_directory: "%kernel.cache.dir%/phpexcel"

Getting started

Step 1: Create your controller

// src/Acme/HelloBundle/Controller/HelloController.php

namespace Acme\HelloBundle\Controller;

use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class HelloController
     * @Route("/hello.{_format}", defaults={"_format"="xls"}, requirements={"_format"="csv|xls|xlsx"})
     * @Template("AcmeHelloBundle:Hello:index.xls.twig")
    public function indexAction($name)
        return ['data' => ['La', 'Le', 'Lu']];

Step 2: Create your template

{# src/Acme/HelloBundle/Resources/views/Hello/index.xls.twig #}

{% xlsdocument %}
    {% xlssheet 'Worksheet' %}
        {% xlsrow %}
            {% xlscell { style: { font: { size: '18' } } } %}Values{% endxlscell %}
        {% endxlsrow %}
        {% for value in data %}
            {% xlsrow %}
                {% xlscell %}{{ value }}{% endxlscell %}
            {% endxlsrow %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endxlssheet %}
{% endxlsdocument %}

Twig Functions


xlsmergestyles([style1:array], [style2:array])
  • Merges two style arrays recursively
  • Returns a new array


Name Type Optional Description
style1 array Standard PhpExcel style array
style2 array Standard PhpExcel style array


{% set mergedStyle = xlsmergestyles({ font: { name: 'Verdana' } }, { font: { size: '18' } }) %}

Twig Tags


{% xlsdocument [properties:array] %}
{% endxlsdocument %}
  • Must contain one or more 'xlssheet' tags


Name Type Optional Description
properties array X


Name Type Description XLS ODS
category string X
company string
created datetime Can be null, timestamp or a strtotime compatible string X X
creator string X X
defaultStyle array Standard PhpExcel style array
description string X X
format string Possible formats are 'csv', 'html', 'pdf', 'xls, 'xlsx' X
keywords string X
lastModifiedBy string X
manager string
modified datetime Can be null, timestamp or a strtotime compatible string X X
security array Cannot be tested - not supported by the reader
  • lockRevision | boolean | Cannot be tested - not supported by the reader
  • lockStructure | boolean | Cannot be tested - not supported by the reader
  • lockWindows | boolean | Cannot be tested - not supported by the reader
  • revisionsPassword | string | Cannot be tested - not supported by the reader
  • workbookPassword | string | Cannot be tested - not supported by the reader subject | string | | X | X title | string | | X | X


{% xlsdocument {
    category: 'Test category',
    company: 'Test company',
    created: '2000/01/01',
    creator: 'Tester',
    defaultStyle: {
        font: {
            name: 'Verdana',
            size: '18'
    description: 'Test document',
    format: 'xls',
    keywords: 'Test',
    lastModifiedBy: 'Tester',
    manager: 'Tester',
    modified: '2000/01/01',
    security: {
        lockRevision: true,
        lockStructure: true,
        lockWindows: true,
        revisionsPassword: 'test',
        workbookPassword: 'test'
    subject: 'Test',
    title: 'Test'
} %}
    {# ... #}
{% endxlsdocument %}


    {% xlssheet [title:string] [properties:array] %}
    {% endxlssheet %}
  • May contain one or more 'xlsheader', 'xlsfooter', 'xlsrow' and 'xlsdrawing' tags


Name Type Optional Description
title string
properties array X


Name Type Description XLS ODS
columnDimension array Contains one or more arrays. Possible keys are 'default' or a valid column name like 'A'
  • autoSize | boolean | Does not work in PhpExcel?
  • collapsed | boolean | Does not work in PhpExcel?
  • columnIndex | string | Does not work in PhpExcel?
  • outlineLevel | int
  • visible | boolean | Does not work in PhpExcel?
  • width | double
  • xfIndex | int pageMargins | array
  • top | double
  • bottom | double
  • left | double
  • right | double
  • header | double
  • footer | double pageSetup | array
  • fitToHeight | int
  • fitToPage | boolean
  • fitToWidth | int
  • horizontalCentered | boolean
  • orientation | string | Possible orientations are 'default', 'landscape', 'portrait'
  • paperSize | int | Possible values are defined in PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup
  • printArea | string | An area like 'A1:B1'
  • scale | int
  • verticalCentered | boolean protection | array
  • autoFilter | boolean
  • deleteColumns | boolean
  • deleteRows | boolean
  • formatCells | boolean
  • formatColumns | boolean
  • formatRows | boolean
  • insertColumns | boolean
  • insertHyperlinks | boolean
  • insertRows | boolean
  • objects | boolean
  • password | string
  • pivotTables | boolean
  • scenarios | boolean
  • selectLockedCells | boolean
  • selectUnlockedCells | boolean
  • sheet | boolean
  • sort | boolean printGridlines | boolean rightToLeft | boolean rowDimension | array | Contains one or more arrays. Possible keys are 'default' or a row index >=1
  • collapsed | boolean | Does not work in PhpExcel?
  • outlineLevel | int
  • rowHeight | double
  • rowIndex | int | Does not work in PhpExcel?
  • visible | boolean | Does not work in PhpExcel?
  • xfIndex | int
  • zeroHeight | boolean | Does not work in PhpExcel? sheetState | string showGridlines | boolean | Cannot be tested - not supported by the reader tabColor | string zoomScale | int


{% xlssheet 'Worksheet' {
    columnDimension: {
        'default': {
            autoSize: false,
            collapsed: false,
            outlineLevel: 0,
            visible: true,
            width: -1,
            xfIndex: 0
        'D': {
            columnIndex: 2,
            visible: false
    pageMargins: {
        top: 1,
        bottom: 1,
        left: 0.75,
        right: 0.75,
        header: 0.5,
        footer: 0.5
    pageSetup: {
        fitToHeight: 1,
        fitToPage: false,
        fitToWidth: 1,
        horizontalCentered: false,
        orientation: 'landscape',
        paperSize: 9,
        printArea: 'A1:B1',
        scale: 100,
        verticalCentered: false
    protection: {
        autoFilter: true,
        deleteColumns: true,
        deleteRows: true,
        formatCells: true,
        formatColumns: true,
        formatRows: true,
        insertColumns: true,
        insertHyperlinks: true,
        insertRows: true,
        objects: true,
        pivotTables: true,
        scenarios: true,
        selectLockedCells: true,
        selectUnlockedCells: true,
        sheet: true,
        sort: true
    printGridlines: true,
    rightToLeft: false,
    rowDimension: {
        'default': {
            collapsed: false,
            outlineLevel: 0,
            rowHeight: -1,
            rowIndex: '1',
            visible: true,
            xfIndex: 0,
        '2': {
            visible: false
    sheetState: 'visible',
    showGridlines: true,
    tabColor: 'c0c0c0',
    zoomScale: 75
    {# ... #}
{% endxlssheet %}


{% xlsheader [type:string] [properties:array] %}
{% endxlsheader %}
  • May contain one 'xlsleft', 'xlscenter' and 'xlsright' tag
  • Not supported by the OpenDocument writer


Name Type Optional Description
type string X Possible types are 'header' (default), 'oddHeader' (xlsx), 'evenHeader' (xlsx), 'firstHeader' (xlsx)
properties array X


Name Type Description XLS ODS
scaleWithDocument boolean
alignWithMargins boolean


{% xlsheader 'firstHeader' %}
    {# ... #}
{% endxlsheader %}


{% xlsfooter [type:string] [properties:array] %}
{% endxlsfooter %}
  • May contain one 'xlsleft', 'xlscenter' and 'xlsright' tag
  • Not supported by the OpenDocument writer


Name Type Optional Description
type string X Possible types are 'footer' (default), 'oddFooter' (xlsx), 'evenFooter' (xlsx), 'firstFooter' (xlsx)
properties array X


Name Type Description XLS ODS
scaleWithDocument boolean
alignWithMargins boolean


{% xlsfooter 'firstFooter' %}
    {# ... #}
{% endxlsfooter %}

xlsleft, xlscenter, xlsright

{% xlsleft %}
{% endxlsleft %}

{% xlscenter %}
{% endxlscenter %}

{% xlsright %}
{% endxlsright %}


{% xlsheader %}
    {% xlsleft %}
        Left part of the header
    {% endxlsleft %}
    {% xlscenter %}
        Center part of the header
    {% endxlscenter %}
    {% xlsright %}
        Right part of the header
    {% endxlsright %}
{% endxlsheader %}


{% xlsrow [index:int] %}
{% endxlsrow %}
  • May contain one or more 'xlscell' tags

  • If 'index' is not defined it will default to 1 for the first usage per sheet

  • For each further usage it will increase the index by 1 automatically (1, 2, 3, ...)


Name Type Optional Description
index int A row index >=1


{% xlsrow 1 %}
    {# ... #}
{% endxlsrow %}


{% xlscell [index:string] [properties:array] %}
{% endxlscell %}
  • If 'index' is not defined it will default to 0 for the first usage per row
  • For each further usage it will increase the index by 1 automatically (0, 1, 2, ...)
  • Formulas are supported (e.g. =SUM(A1:F1) or =A1+B1)


Name Type Optional Description
index int A column index >=0
properties array X


Name Type Description XLS ODS
break int Possible values are defined in PHPExcel_Worksheet X
dataType string Possible values are defined in PHPExcel_Cell_DataType X X
dataValidation array
  • allowBlank | boolean
  • error | string
  • errorStyle | string | Possible values are defined in PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation
  • errorTitle | string
  • formula1 | string
  • formula2 | string
  • operator | string | Possible values are defined in PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation
  • prompt | string
  • promptTitle | string
  • showDropDown | boolean
  • showErrorMessage | boolean
  • showInputMessage | boolean
  • type | string | Possible values are defined in PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation style | array | Standard PhpExcel style array | X url | string | | X


{% xlscell 0 {
    break: 1,
    dataValidation: {
        allowBlank: false,
        error: '',
        errorStyle: 'stop',
        errorTitle: '',
        formula1: '',
        formula2: '',
        operator: '',
        prompt: ''
        promptTitle: '',
        showDropDown: false,
        showErrorMessage: false,
        showInputMessage: false,
        type: 'none',
    style: {
        borders: {
            bottom: {
                style: 'thin',
                color: {
                    rgb: '000000'
    url: 'http://www.example.com'
} %}
    {# ... #}
{% endxlscell %}


{% xlsdrawing [path:string] [properties:array] %}
  • If the xlsdrawing is used in a header/footer it automatically adds the &G code to be displayed
  • Not supported by the OpenDocument writer


Name Type Optional Description
path string
properties array X


Name Type Description XLS ODS
coordinates string Cell coordinates like 'A1' X
description string
height int X
name string
offsetX int
offsetY int
resizeProportional boolean X
rotation int
shadow array
  • alignment: | string | Possible values are defined in PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing_Shadow
  • alpha | int
  • blurRadius | int
  • color | string | A hexadecimal color string like '000000' (without #)
  • direction | int
  • distance | int
  • visible | boolean width | int | | X


{% xlsdrawing '/test.png' {
    coordinates: 'A1',
    description: 'Test',
    height: 0,
    name: '',
    offsetX: 0,
    offsetY: 0,
    resizeProportional: true,
    rotation: 0,
    shadow: {
        alignment: 'br',
        alpha: 50,
        blurRadius: 6,
        color: '000000',
        direction: 0,
        distance: 2,
        visible: false
    width: 0
} %}