Note: this software is an alpha, work in progress.
Autorclone is a wrapper over rclone attempting to automate repetitive tasks of synchronizing sources to destinations. You still need to define rclone remotes with rclone utility.
Requires rclone to be installed and present in the path or can be manually specified.
- Synchronizes a rclone source (or local directory/file) to a destination that may be another directory or rclone predefined remote (
rclone listremotes
). Synchronization means that destination files and directories will be deleted (if not present on the source). By default, a backup will be done by rclone before deletion/modification. - TODO: runs in background as a daemon, executing defined jobs at specified intervals. Job definitions follow crontab notation
autorclone -h
Usage: autorclone <command>
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
--log-level=info Set log level to one of: panic, fatal, error,
warn, info, debug, trace
--rclone-path="rclone" Path to rclone binary, by default will try
rclone from PATH env
Rclone release to be downloaded if not in PATH
--rclone-sync-args="sync -v --min-size 0.001 --multi-thread-streams 0 --retries 1 --human-readable --track-renames --links --ignore-errors --log-format shortfile"
Rclone default sync arguments
sync <source> <destination1 [destination2] [...]> ...
Synchronize source to rclone destination(s). Use 'rclone config show' to
list them.
Manually run predefined sync jobs. Without any argument, will run all jobs
in the predefined job definition file
Run as a background program, executing schelduled jobs
Show version and exit
Run "autorclone <command> --help" for more information on a command.
- Cleanup backups on destination
- Run initial sync:
autorclone sync source destination
(may result in some .rclonebak files) - Review the backup files and keep what might be overwritten or deleted by mistake
- Run sync again with no backup suffix:
autorclone sync --backup-suffix "" source destination
(since destination has .rclonebak files, they will be deleted)
- Run initial sync:
- Set
--backup-suffix ""
when the destination is a cloud storage