
Document-oriented Database Lite - A simple file based pseudo database

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Document-oriented Database Lite


A simple file based document-oriented pseudo database.

This library is still in alpha phase! Use at own risk!

The main goal was to have a library that kind of combines the functionality of SQLite and a document-oriented database like MongoDB: Store data simply in a file without the need of a separate running database.


via Composer

composer require thedava/dod-lite


The core component of DodLite is the DocumentManager. It is used to manage collections and provides some utility functionality like moving Documents between collections. The full documentation of the DocumentManager and an explanation of the basic concepts of DodLite can be found here.

For an easy start, you can use the DocumentManagerFactory to create a new DocumentManager instance (without deep diving into the adapters). The Factory provides multiple methods to create a DocumentManager instance for different use cases. See the Adapters documentation for more information.

# \DodLite\DocumentManagerFactory methods
public static function createLocalFile(string $folderPath): DocumentManager
public static function createCachedLocalFile(string $folderPath): DocumentManager
public static function createIndexedLocalFile(string $folderPath): DocumentManager
public static function createIndexCachedLocalFile(string $folderPath): DocumentManager
// Create a new DocumentManager
$documentManager = \DodLite\DocumentManagerFactory::createLocalFile('/tmp');

// Get/Create collection "docs"
$collection = $documentManager->getCollection('docs');

Writing data

// Create a new document
$document = $collection->createDocument('README', [
    'file' => 'README.md',
    'headline' => 'Document-oriented Database Lite',
    'description' => 'A simple file based document-oriented pseudo database.',

// Persist document

// Create another document and persist it immediately
$document = $collection->createDocument('Exceptions', [
    'file' => '05-Exceptions.md',
    'headline' => 'Exceptions',
    'description' => 'DodLite employs a consistent error handling system',
], write: true);

// Write data directly without a document
$collection->writeData('Adapters', [
    'file' => '04-Adapters.md',
    'headline' => 'Adapters',
    'description' => 'DodLite uses adapters to store data',

// Create a document manually and persist it
$document = new \DodLite\Documents\Document('Concepts', [
    'file' => '03-Concepts.md',
    'headline' => 'Concepts',
    'description' => 'Basic principles',

Updating data

// Retrieve document
$document = $collection->getDocument('Concepts');

// Update content manually
$content = $document->getContent();
$content['description'] = 'DodLite uses collections and documents to store data';

// Update content via helper method (array_replace_recursive)
    'headline' => 'Concepts and Basic principles',

// Persist document

Reading data

// Get document
$document = $collection->getDocument('Adapters');
var_dump($document->getContent()); // { 'file' => '04-Adapters.md', ... }

// Get the first document that matches a filter
$document = $collection->getDocumentByFilter(
    new \DodLite\Filter\CallbackFilter(fn(Document $document) => $document->getContent()['file'] === '05-Exceptions.md')

// Get all documents
$documents = $collection->getAllDocuments();
foreach ($documents as $id => $document) {

// Get all documents filtered
$documents = $collection->getAllDocumentsByFilter(
    new \DodLite\Filter\CallbackFilter(fn(Document $document) => str_ends_with($document->getContent()['file'], '.md'))
foreach ($documents as $id => $document) {

Check if data exists

// Check if README exists
var_dump($collection->hasDocumentById('README')); // true

Deleting data

// Delete document directly by id

// Delete a document object
$document = $collection->getDocument('Exceptions');


DodLite uses adapters for storing data. Adapters are responsible for reading and writing data. They also provide additional functionality that is built on top of other adapters. For a full list of adapters see the Adapters documentation.

Error Handling

Every error that is thrown in DodLite is either a \DodLite\DodException or a derivative of it. For a full explanation of all exceptions see the Exceptions documentation.

