
PowerShell module used to interact with Dyn Managed DNS REST API

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


PoShDynDnsApi is an unofficial PowerShell module used to interact with Dyn Managed DNS REST API.

For online help, please visit the module help site.


Due to the announcement by Oracle for the sunset of Dyn Managed DNS on May 31, 2023, this module is no longer useful and has been archived.

Feel free to review and use the code as examples PowerShell custom classes with inheritence as well as providing one way to support Windows PowerShell 5.1 and PowerShell 7.

Session Commands

Use the following commands to create, extend, test, or remove a session. Additionally, you can view the current session information or view the current session history.


The Connect-DynDnsSession command creates a new session.


The Send-DynDnsSession command extends the current session.


The Test-DynDnsSession command verifies that a session is still active.


The Disconnect-DynDnsSession command terminates an existing, valid session.


The Get-DynDnsSession command retrieves information about the current session.


The Get-DynDnsHistory command shows the history of commands that have been sent in the current session.

Zone Commands

Use the following commands to create a zone by providing required parameters or by providing a zone file, and you can view the zone record. You can also remove a zone. You can view pending changes and publish them or discard them. And you can view the publish notes. Additionally, you can freeze or thaw the zone.


The Get-DynDnsZone command will return all zones associated with the customer, or the specified zone.


The Add-DynDnsZone command creates a primary DNS zone in the customer's Dyn DNS Managed account.


The Remove-DynDnsZone command immediately deletes the primary DNS zone from the customer's Dyn DNS Managed account.


The Get-DynDnsZoneNotes command generates a report containing the Zone Notes for the specified zone.


The Get-DynDnsZoneChanges command will retrieve all unpublished changes for the current session for the specified zone.


The Publish-DynDnsZoneChanges command publishes pending zone changes.


The Undo-DynDnsZoneChanges deletes changes to the specified zone that have been created during the current session, but not yet published to the zone.


The Lock-DynDnsZone command prevents other users from making changes to the zone.


The Unlock-DynDnsZone command removes the restriction that prevents other users from making changes to the zone.

Record Commands

Use the follow commands to view, add, update, or remove DNS records of the following types: A, TXT, CNAME, MX, SRV, or PTR. There is a command to create a new record object that can be used to add or update a record.


The Get-DynDnsRecord command retrieves one or all records of the specified type from a specified zone/node.


The New-DynDnsRecord command creates DNS record object of the specified type.


The Add-DynDnsRecord command creates a new DNS record of the specified type at the indicated zone/node level.


The Update-DynDnsRecord command updates an existing DNS record in the specified zone.


The Remove-DynDnsRecord command deletes one or all records of the specified type from a specified zone/node.

HttpRedirect Commands

Use the following commands to view, create, or delete an HTTP redirect service.


The Get-DynDnsHttpRedirect command retrieves one or all HTTP Redirect services on the zone/node indicated.


The Add-DynDnsHttpRedirect command creates a new HTTP Redirect service on the zone/node indicated.


The Remove-DynDnsHttpRedirect command deletes one or more existing HTTP Redirect services from the zone/node indicated.

Node Commands

Use the following commands to list nodes and remove a node.


The Get-DynDnsNodeList command retrieves a list of all node names at or below the given zone node.


The Remove-DynDnsNode command removes the indicated node, any records within the node, and any nodes underneath the node.

Miscellaneous Commands

These commands will allow you to view users, jobs, or tasks.


The Get-DynDnsUser command retrieves information on a specified user or for all users.


The Get-DynDnsTask command retrieves a list of all current DNS API tasks or a single pending API task based on the task ID.


The Get-DynDnsJob command retrieves the result from a previous job.

More Information

Please check out the following links for more information on the Dyn Managed DNS REST API.